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Robert Cancro, MD

Research Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry

biologic classification of psychiatric disease

Psychiatry has suffered from the severe limitation of utilizing a phenomenologically based nosology of disease rather than a biological classification based on etiology and pathogenesis. As a consequence of this limitation, patient samples with a particular diagnosis are biologically heterogeneous and research results are frequently inconsistent and even contradictory. The need to develop a biologic classification is obvious and essential for psychiatry to take advantage of the developments in neuroscience. For example, the recent development of techniques for the in vivo examination of the nervous system makes it possible to identify pathophysiology associated with psychiatric populations. Initially, our focus has been on electrophysiologic correlates of clinical diagnosis. Currently, we are attempting to develop a taxonomy based on pathophysiology while seeking the clinical correlates of that classification.

Our first efforts have focused on quantitative electrophysiology because it is relatively nonintrusive and inexpensive. This approach is now being supplemented with newer techniques of studying the nervous system, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), and functional MRI.

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MD from SUNY-Downstate

Ginsberg SD; Che S; Hashim A; Zavadil J; Cancro R; Lee SH; Petkova E; Sershen HW; Volavka J

Brain structure & function. 2011 Nov; 216(4):347-56

Schulman, Joshua J; Cancro, Robert; Lowe, Sandlin; Lu, Feng; Walton, Kerry D; Llinas, Rodolfo R

Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2011 Nov; 5:69

John, E R; Prichep, L S; Winterer, G; Herrmann, W M; diMichele, F; Halper, J; Bolwig, T G; Cancro, R

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2007 Jul; 116(1):17-35

Long-term mortality experience of international cohorts of persons with schizophrenia and related psychoses

Craig, Thomas J; Tang, Dei-In; Sartorius, Norman; Laska, Eugene M; Cancro, Robert

Recovery from schizophrenia: An international perspective: A report from the WHO Collaborative Project, the international study of schizophrenia. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press, 2007. p.61-68. (4383)

Cancro, Robert

World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 2006 Oct; 5(3):159-60

Prichep, L S; John, E R; Ferris, S H; Rausch, L; Fang, Z; Cancro, R; Torossian, C; Reisberg, B

Neurobiology of aging. 2006 Mar; 27(3):471-81

Serper, Mark R; Goldberg, Brett R; Herman, Kristine G; Richarme, Danielle; Chou, James; Dill, Charles A; Cancro, Robert

Comprehensive psychiatry. 2005 Mar-Apr; 46(2):121-7

Cancro, Robert

Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis & Dynamic Psychiatry. 2005 Aug; 33(2):241-7