Research Professor, Department of Medicine
Dr. Chen is an internationally recognized expert on inhalation toxicology and has extensive experience in the measurement of cardiopulmonary effects of inhaled pollutants. He is also an expert in the generation and characterization of exposure atmospheres, and in the performance of toxicology studies using all routes of exposure, primarily those involving pulmonary exposure. He has served on a number of national and international committees and study sections in his areas of expertise. Dr. Chen is the author of over 120 research papers and book chapters dealing with the mechanisms underlying the adverse cardiopulmonary effects resulting from inhalation exposure to occupational and environmental air pollutants. His research approach is to systematically dissect the role that physico-chemical properties of these pollutants play in the exposure, uptake at sites of deposition in the respiratory tract and translocation to the heart, as well as in the development, progression, and resolution of cardiopulmonary diseases.
57 Old Forge Rd.
Second Floor
Tuxedo, NY 10987
Research Professor, Department of Medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
PhD from New York University
Cosmetics. 2024 Aug 01; 11(<prism:issueIdentifier>4):?-?
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International journal of environmental research & public health. 2023 Oct 14; 20(20):
Environment international. 2023 Jul; 177:108027
Journal of Alzheimer's disease. 2023 Nov; 91(2):779-794
Ecotoxicology & environmental safety. 2022 May 24; 239:113680
International journal of environmental research & public health. 2022 Jan 14; 19(2):