Laboratory for Translational Auditory Research

The Laboratory for Translational Auditory Research at NYU Langone has a major focus on auditory neural prostheses such as cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants. There are two reasons why we think this is interesting. First, working on electronic devices that replace a human sense gives us an opportunity make discoveries that have direct impact on clinical care. That’s why we say the laboratory is “translational”. Second, humans with cochlear implants provide a unique platform to answer important scientific questions that might be difficult or impossible to answer with animal studies. For example, finding how brain plasticity may help humans understand speech when the peripheral input is distorted, or exploring the existence of critical periods for language development.
Much of our work involves behavioral testing using speech, non-speech, or music stimuli. We employ a wide range of analytical techniques, from mathematical modeling of speech perception to signal processing to the study of language development, speech production, and speech perception in hearing impaired children. This is complemented by electrophysiological measures and the use of pupillometry as a tool to investigate cognitive processes that underlie speech perception. Lastly, in collaboration with the Froemke Lab, we have developed an animal model of cochlear implantation and a research program where human and animal research inform and potentiate each other.
Contact Us
Mario A. Svirsky, PhD
Principal Investigator
The Noel L. Cohen Professor of Hearing Science
Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
462 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212-263-7217