MD Student Handbook | NYU Langone Health

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For Current MD Students MD Student Handbook

MD Student Handbook

NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Student Handbook is a centralized source of information about school policies and procedures. It contains information necessary to successfully participate in the MD program and answers many of your questions about specific aspects of medical education and student life.

Dean’s Welcome

Dean Robert I. Grossman, MD, offers words of wisdom about long-standing values at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the special calling you are following. Read the Dean’s Welcome.

MD Student Policies and Procedures

All medical students are subject to the following policies and procedures and are expected to be familiar with them (a Kerberos ID and password required).

Academic Performance Guidelines for the MD Curriculum

Our guidelines detail policies on academic promotion, grading, absences, advisement and tutoring, preclinical and clinical board performance reviews, remediation, suspension, and dismissal. Read more about our academic performance guidelines.

Academic Performance Guidelines for the Three-Year MD Pathway

Certain academic standards must be met to progress through the accelerated three-year MD pathway or to opt in to the program from the four-year pathway. Learn more about our academic performance guidelines for the three-year MD pathway.

Accommodations for Disabilities or Disabling Conditions

NYU Grossman School of Medicine accommodates students with appropriately diagnosed and documented illnesses and disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Learn more about our accommodation for disabilities or disabling conditions.

Affirmative Action Policy for MD Students

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of our relations with faculty, students, and staff members. Learn more about our affirmative action policy.

Alcohol-Use and Substance-Abuse Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine provides compassionate assistance to students who may require help for alcohol or substance-use problems, while also maintaining the safety and wellbeing of the university community. Learn more about our alcohol use and substance-abuse policy.

Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society Membership

NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Alpha Omega Alpha Selection Committee considers students in the top third of their class for membership in the national medical honor society. Learn more about the honor society selection process.

Arrears Policy for MD Students

Unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges can delay your graduation. Learn more about our arrears policy for MD students.

Attendance Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine understands that becoming a competent physician requires the physical presence of medical students in training. We expect our students to actively participate in the curriculum and to recognize that certain activities require their presence and active engagement in order for teamwork, meaningful learning, assessment, and feedback to take place. Learn more about our policy on attendance.

Campus Crime Reporting and the Clery Act

Federal law requires all U.S. colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around campus. Learn more about campus crime reporting and the Clery Act.

Campus Smoking Ban

As part of an effort to promote public health and safety, NYU Grossman School of Medicine is a nonsmoking campus. Learn more about our campus smoking ban.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification

NYU Grossman School of Medicine requires all students to be certified in basic cardiac life support before having patient contact. Learn more about our policy on cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification.

COVID-19 Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine provides guidelines for the medical approach and management of medical students who have been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19. The guidelines streamline and adopt the latest recommendations from the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the New York City Department of Health. Learn more about our policy on the medical management of COVID-19.

Educational Objectives

NYU Grossman School of Medicine has developed a set of core standards to measure your progress in applying critical thinking, humanism, and scholarship to the practice of medicine. Read more about our educational objectives.

Emotional Support Animal Policy for MD Students

NYU Grossman School of Medicine provides guidelines for emotional support animals and information for how to request permission to have an emotional support animal in one of our residence halls. Learn more about our emotional support animal policy.

Evaluation Principles, Procedure, and Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine has established a process for our students to provide thoughtful, constructive, and professional feedback on their experience of our MD curriculum. Learn more about the evaluation principles, procedure, and policy for the MD curriculum.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Specific guidelines outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act apply to accessing educational records. Learn more about NYU’s guidelines for compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Gender Transition Guidelines

We are committed to meeting the needs of transgender and gender nonbinary students at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and provide guidelines on how the law should be implemented in situations where questions may arise about how to protect the legal rights and safety of nonbinary students. Learn more about our gender transition guidelines.

Graduation Requirements for MD Students

Specific coursework and clerkship requirements are necessary to graduate. Learn more about our graduation requirements.

Guidelines for the Educational use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools

These guidelines are designed to encourage safe use of AI tools by NYU Grossman School of Medicine medical students, residents, and fellows. These guidelines complement the relevant official policies for medical students and residents. Learn more about our guidelines for educational use of generative artificial intelligence tools. If you have any questions or comments on these guidelines, please contact Dr. Marc M. Triola, MD.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance

The use and disclosure of protected health information, or PHI, during your medical training is governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, standards. Learn more about HIPAA Privacy and Security and access the related policies and forms (Kerberos ID and password required).

Health Sciences Library Code of Conduct

Our Health Science Library Code of Conduct ensures the security, rights, and privileges of both library users and staff. This code supports a professional, warm, and safe learning environment, and describes the proper use of physical spaces and online content. Learn more about the Health Sciences Library Code of Conduct.

Inclement Weather Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine views medical students to be integral members of clinical teams, therefore student presence is expected as long as they able to travel safely to the appropriate site. Learn more about our policy on inclement weather.

Information Technology Policy

Certain guidelines apply to students who use NYU Grossman School of Medicine-provided desktops, mobile devices, electronic communications systems, and networks. Learn more about our information technology policy.

International Travel Policy

Notify NYU Grossman School of Medicine of participation in international travel related to your medical education. Learn more about our international travel policy.

Internet Use Guidelines

Accessing the internet from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine computer network is conditional upon appropriate use. Learn more about our internet use guidelines.

Medical Management of Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures

Medical students who are exposed to blood and body fluids should minimize the risk of transmission of blood borne viruses by seeking immediate medical care. We follow a process that ensures that medical students exposed to blood borne pathogens are evaluated and, when indicated, offered timely post exposure prophylaxis, and follow-up care. Learn more about our student health center’s policy on medical management of bloodborne pathogen exposures.

Missing Student Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is committed to creating and preserving a safe and secure environment for students and follows a stepwise approach to addressing concerns regarding a medical student who is identified as possibly missing. Read our missing student policy.

Narrative Assessment Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine ensures that students receive written comments from faculty that assess student performance and achievement in meeting the objectives of a preclerkship module. Learn more about our policy on narrative assessment.

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedures

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is committed to equal treatment and opportunity for its students; to maintaining an environment that is free of bias, prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation; and to establishing complaint procedures for allegations involving students.

NYU Langone Code of Conduct

NYU Langone’s Code of Conduct provides a framework for ethical behavior and standards during your medical training and beyond. Learn more about our NYU Langone Code of Conduct.

Policy on Provision of Confidential Care Without Conflict of Interest

NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s student Health Service (SHS) and Student Mental Health Services (SMHS) recognize the sensitive nature of medical and psychological care and strive to provide respectful, confidential care to the student body. Learn more about our policy on the provision of confidential care without conflict of interest.

Pre-Clerkship Workload Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine sets expectations about the amount of time appropriate to schedule in-class and out-of-class activities during the pre-clerkship phase of the MD curriculum, with the goal of ensuring time for independent study, and an overall manageable workload. Learn more about our student education policy on pre-clerkship workload.

Pregnancy and Parenting During Medical School

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is committed to supporting all students in meeting their degree requirements. We recognize that pregnant and parenting students face unique challenges. Learn more about our policy on pregnancy and parenting during medical school.

Public Representation Policy

Certain rules apply to making public statements on behalf of NYU Grossman School of Medicine and NYU Langone, or using the designation on materials for public distribution. Learn more about our public representation policy.

Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine maintains policies on preventing and investigating issues related to sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking and provides guidance on reporting and resolving such difficulties. Learn more about our resources available to help students with these experiences, as well as procedures for reporting complaints against employees and complaints against students.

Student Conduct Standards and Procedures

We’ve developed standards of conduct that help you maintain your integrity and professionalism as you navigate difficult moral and ethical issues. Learn more about our Student Conduct Standards and Procedures here. To report a violation of the Student Conduct Standards, please complete the following form.

Student Conference Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine assists students and student organizations with planning and budgeting for expenses associated with travel to conferences. Learn more about our student conference policy.

Student, Faculty, and Employee Gift Policy

NYU Langone’s Acceptance, and/or Solicitation of Gifts or Benefits from Vendors, Patients, or Other Third Parties Policy provides guidance on when it is acceptable to receive a gift from a third party, including a patient, and how to respond to vendor invitations. Learn more about our student, faculty, and employee gift policy.

Social Media Policy

NYU Langone Health recognizes that social media can be a useful and timely communications tool that provides an informal way to participate in an exchange of ideas and information. However, information posted online is available widely to the public, and therefore can have a far-reaching impact on the NYU Langone reputation and on the public’s perceptions of the professionalism and values of members of the NYU Langone community. Learn more about our social media policy.

Student Mistreatment Policy

NYU Grossman School of Medicine describes the unacceptable treatment of medical students and other learners, the procedures available to report incidents of mistreatment and duty hour violations, and informs students what actions will be taken to monitor, investigate, and respond to reports. Read our student mistreatment policy.

Student Organization Alcohol Policy

Student organizations may serve beer and wine at on-campus events in compliance with NYU Grossman School of Medicine policy. Learn more about our student organization alcohol policy.

Technical Standards

A specific set of minimum physical, mental, emotional, social, and professional abilities is needed to achieve success. Read more about our technical standards.

Video, Photography, and Use of Media

NYU Langone may at times obtain and/or use photographs, audio, and/or video recordings to connect and share with students, staff, faculty and the general public for purposes of education, marketing, publicity, fundraising, and student recruitment on behalf of NYU Langone, via the Internet, print publications, social media, and other media. Read our video, photography, and use of media policy.

Contact Us

For questions about the policies and procedures governing NYU Grossman School of Medicine students, contact Victoria Dinsell, MD, Associate Dean, Student Affairs, via email at or by phone at 212-263-6088.