Our research in the news:
“Neurologists identify potential biomarker of cognitive decline for earlier diagnosis of disease”: A report on our work on non-invasive MRI imaging of the brain’s gray-white matter boundary and how its integrity affects cognition.
“Neurologists develop software application to help identify subtle epileptogenic lesions”: An overview of our specialized computer software that allows us to detect subtle lesions in MRI scans.
“Brain study sheds light on language use”: A documentary TV report on our work with intracranial human electrophysiology: http://youtu.be/v2Hr00tmuhA
The NYU Epilepsy Center and its doctors featured on the cover of Newsweek.
Dr. Gyorgy Buzsaki on a new technology for recording single neuron activity without penetrating into the brain: http://medicalresearch.com/neurological-disorders/neurogrid-can-capture-activity-of-individual-neurons/10265/#more-10265http://medicalresearch.com/neurological-disorders/neurogrid-can-capture-activity-of-individual-neurons/10265/#more-10265
A TV interview with Dr. Bijan Pesaran about bilateral distribution of speech function: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/scientists-speech-comes-from-both-sides-of-the-brain-not-one/http://www.cbsnews.com/news/scientists-speech-comes-from-both-sides-of-the-brain-not-one/