Curator, Medical Library
As Deputy Director of the Health Sciences Library, I am responsible for strategic directions of the Faculty Bibliography and bibliometric analyses and reporting. I develop tools and workflows to capture and report on performance metrics for the library. I also analyze this data to inform the strategic directions of the library.
I am the Director of the National Center for Data Services (NCDS) of the Network of the National Library of Medicine, funded by a grant from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The NCDS develops and provides training and resources to build the capacity to support data science and data management in the health sciences information professional community, in line with the NIH priorities and the NLM Strategic plan.
I serve as the Data Science Core Director for an NIH BRAIN Initiative collaborative grant studying oxytocin modulation of behavior and brain circuit function, through which I collaborate on the development of BrainSTEM, a tool for collection of structured, standardized experimental neuroscience metadata that facilitates FAIR data sharing.
1 Park Avenue
3rd Floor, Room 318
New York, NY 10016
Associate Director, Performance Metrics and Reporting, Medical Library
Deputy Director, Medical Library
Vice Chair, Research, Medical Library
PhD from New York University
PLoS one. 2019 Apr; 14:e0215509
Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2018 Oct; 106:508-513
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. 2018 Feb; 2018:1405-1414
Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2017 Apr; 105(2):185-191
Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2017 Apr; 105(2):160-166
Journal of translational medicine. 2016 08 05; 14(1):235
International journal of digital curation. 2015; 10(1):260-267
Journal of clinical & translational science. 2025 Jan; 8(1):e224