Administrative Offices
Leadership and staff of NYU Langone Health’s administrative offices oversee a variety of areas across education and research. This directory highlights the administrative offices that fall under the purview of the Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs Office and the Office of Science and Research.
- Admissions and Financial Aid Offices
- Academic Events Office
- Clinical Research Support Unit
- Clinical and Translational Science Institute
- Continuing Medical Education
- Division of Advanced Research Technologies
- Diversity Affairs
- Division of Comparative Medicine
- Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs Office
- Government and Community Affairs Office
- Graduate Medical Education Office
- Honors Program
- Human Research Regulatory Affairs
- Institute for Innovations in Medical Education
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Institutional Biosafety Committee
- Institutional Review Entity
- New York Simulation Center
- Office of Medical Education
- Postdoctoral Affairs
- Office of Registration and Student Records
- Research Communications
- Research Development and Implementation
- Research Support
- Office of Science and Research
- Sponsored Programs Administration
- Office of Student Affairs
- Student Health Services
- Technology Opportunities and Ventures
- Training Center of Excellence
- Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences
- WISE Program
Admissions and Financial Aid Offices
The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid processes more than 8,000 applications to NYU Grossman School of Medicine and interviews approximately 900 applicants each year. Learn more about our admissions process.
Our Office of Financial Aid is also responsible for processing financial aid applications and student loans and providing debt management counseling to students. Learn more about affordability and financial aid.
Contact Us
- Main Office: 212-263-5290
- Rafael Rivera, MD, MBA, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, rafael.rivera@nyulangone.org
- Kerri Budhu, MBA, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, kerri.budhu@nyulangone.org
Academic Events Office
The Office of Academic Events designs and implements events for medical students, such as the Alpha Omega Alpha dinner, Match Day lunch, and a parent–student reception. The office also organizes some faculty-focused events, including new faculty orientation.
Contact Us
- Main Office: 212-263-5498
- Pat Finerty, Coordinator, Academic Events, patricia.finerty@nyulangone.org or 212-263-5498
- John Thilletd, Administrative Assistant, john.thilletd@nyulangone.org or 212-263-5498
Clinical Research Support Unit
The Clinical Research Support Unit oversees the conduct of clinical research studies at NYU Langone. The unit provides administrative services for the development of new pharmaceuticals and medical devices through interventional and noninterventional studies, including industry-sponsored research. In addition, it supports and authorizes budget negotiations, billing compliance, and sponsor invoicing. Learn more about clinical research.
Contact Us
- Main Office: clinicaltrials@nyulangone.org or 212-263-4210
- James Holahan, Director, james.holahan@nyulangone.org or 646-754-7252
Clinical and Translational Science Institute
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), a partnership between New York University, NYU Langone Health, and New York City Health + Hospitals, has been designed to transform the way research is conducted. Its aims include enhancing the quality and productivity of scientific efforts at these institutions and nationwide as part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Clinical and Translational Science Awards consortium. Learn more about the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.
Contact Us
- Main Office: ctsi@nyulangone.org or 212-263-7900
- Miriam A. Bredella, MD, MBA, Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, miriam.bredella@nyulangone.org
Acknowledge CTSI: The NYU-H+H Clinical and Translational Science Institute is supported in part by grant UL1 TR000038 from the NCATS of the NIH.
Continuing Medical Education
Continuing medical education at NYU Grossman School of Medicine provides the highest standard of continuing medical education (CME). We offer courses in nearly every area of medicine to a range of professionals, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, social workers, and psychologists. Our courses—including live activities, regularly scheduled series, and enduring materials—are developed and taught by leaders in medicine from NYU Langone and around the country. Learn more about our CME activities.
Contact Us
- Kirk A. Campbell, MD, Medical Director, kirk.campbell@nyulangone.org
- Danielle Milbauer, MBA, CHCP, Senior Director, danielle.milbauer@nyulangone.org
Division of Advanced Research Technologies
The Division of Advanced Research Technologies provides access to a suite of science and technology core laboratories for collaborative projects within NYU Langone’s scientific community. These laboratories are a nexus for emerging technologies, applications, technical expertise, experimental design, data analysis, and education focused on developing innovative solutions to complex biomedical research problems. Our highly interactive team of core scientists is dedicated to supporting the needs of the scientific community in promoting our research mission. Learn more about the Division of Advanced Research Technologies.
Contact Us
- Main Office: 212-263-1494
- Adriana Heguy, PhD, Associate Dean for Advanced Research Technologies, adriana.heguy@nyulangone.org or 212-263-8048
- Sheenah Mische, PhD, Senior Director, sheenah.mische@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0859
Diversity Affairs
The Office of Diversity Affairs strives to create a diverse and inclusive environment at NYU Langone. Strategic initiatives include recruitment of diverse students, house staff, and faculty; education and training that addresses issues related to health and healthcare inequities; community building for all; professional development for students, house staff, and faculty; and research related to diversity and inclusion. Learn more about the Office of Diversity Affairs.
Contact Us
- Joseph Ravenell, MD, Associate Dean for Diversity Affairs, joseph.ravenell@nyulangone.org or 212-263-4243
Division of Comparative Medicine
The Division of Comparative Medicine contributes to the advancement of healthcare by providing the finest animal care and support to scientists who use animals in their research. The division oversees veterinary services, animal husbandry, and animal ordering.
Contact Us
- Main Office: dcm@nyulangone.org or 212-263-2958
- Jennifer Pullium, Senior Director, jennifer.pullium@nyulangone.org or 212-263-6532
Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs Office
The Office of Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs oversees faculty appointments, the promotion and tenure process, maintenance of faculty records, faculty mentoring, and policies and procedures relevant to faculty at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. We also work with NYU for all matters related to academic appointment and serve as a resource for faculty data. Learn more about faculty and academic affairs.
Contact Us
- Steven B. Abramson, MD, Executive Vice President and Vice Dean for Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer, Stevenb.Abramson@NYULangone.org or 212-263-8003
- Joan Cangiarella, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs and Deputy Chief Academic Officer, Joan.Cangiarella@NYULangone.org or 212-263-5348
- Crystal Mainiero, MPA, Associate Dean for Academic Planning and Innovation, Crystal.Mainiero@NYULangone.org
- Georgeann McGuinness, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Mentoring and Development, georgeann.mcguiness@nyulangone.org or 212-263-3471
- Andrea Botta, MA, Senior Director, Andrea.Botta@NYULangone.org or 212-263-5823
- Maggie Schulten, MPA, Assistant Director, Maggie.Schulten@NYULangone.org or 212-263-2774
Government and Community Affairs Office
The Office of Government and Community Affairs is the advocacy and community outreach arm of NYU Langone Health. Our office monitors and analyzes proposed federal, state, and city legislation, regulations, and budget proposals, and advocates for policies aligned with NYU Langone’s institutional goals. The office is also responsible for ensuring compliance with lobbying laws at the city, state, and federal level.
Our staff also focuses on community outreach, working with local elected officials, community leaders, and organizations to address health issues of concern to the community. We maintain working relationships with local Community Boards in order to share information and resources and to increase awareness of NYU Langone Health in neighborhoods and communities where our facilities are located. Learn more about the Office of Government and Community Affairs.
Contact Us
- Elizabeth Golden, Executive Vice President for Communications, Marketing, and Government and Community Affairs, 212-404-3560
- Gilda Ventresca-Ecroyd, Vice President of Government and Community Affairs, gilda.ventresca-ecroyd@nyulangone.org or 212-404-4077
- Ashley Morrissey, Senior Director, State Affairs, ashley.morrissey@nyulangone.org or 212-404-4086
Graduate Medical Education Office
The Graduate Medical Education Office coordinates the residency and fellowship programs and maintains institutional compliance with the Accreditation Council for graduate medical education requirements. The House Staff Affairs Office is a suboffice that functions as a credentialing office for Tisch Hospital, as well as the coordinating body for the house staff enterprise. Learn more about graduate medical education.
Contact Us
- Michael M. Ambrosino, MD, DIO, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, michael.ambrosino@nyulangone.org or 646-501-4293
- Barry Rosenzweig, MD, Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education, barry.rosenzweig@nyulangone.org or 212-263-7473
- Lauren McGuire, MBA, Administrative Director, lauren.mcguire@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0368
Honors Program
NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Honors Program provides students an opportunity to graduate with honors from our MD degree program. Learn more about the Honors Program.
Contact Us
- Kelly Ruggles, PhD, Director of Integrated Sciences, kelly.ruggles@nyulangone.org or 347-510-6960
Human Research Regulatory Affairs
Our Human Research Regulatory Affairs offices include the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee, Human Research Regulatory Services, and Institutional Review Board Operations.
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight
For faculty and researchers wishing to work with human embryonic stem cells or other human pluripotent stem cells or human pluripotent stem cell lines, the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee must approve and register all protocols before use. Learn more about Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight.
Contact Us
- Main Office: escro@nyulangone.org or 212-263-4110
- Helen Panageas, CIP, Senior Director, helen.panageas@nyulangone.org or 646-754-4625
Human Research Regulatory Services
Human Research Regulatory Services oversees four main areas:
- quality assurance and quality improvement, which includes audits of human subjects research conducted at or on behalf of NYU Langone and its affiliates
- external review, facilitating the use of external and central institutional review boards for review of human subjects research conducted by faculty
- our Regulatory Support Services Investigational New Drug/Investigational Device Exemption Oversight Program
- clinicaltrials.gov registration and reporting support
Contact Us
- David Wallach, MPH, CIP, Director, david.wallach@nyulangone.org or 646-754-4624
Institutional Review Board Operations
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Operations oversees five IRBs and is responsible for helping to protect the welfare and rights of all human research participants. It offers personalized guidance and support to the research community through its services, education review, and supervision of all human projects. Learn more about Institutional Review Board Operations.
Contact Us
- Main Office: irb-info@nyulangone.org or (212) 263-4110
- Helen Panageas, CIP, Senior Director, helen.panageas@nyulangone.org or 646-754-4625
Institute for Innovations in Medical Education
The Institute for Innovations in Medical Education addresses the challenges of medical education through the development of instructional and assessment innovations at the undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education levels. Learn more about the Institute for Innovations in Medical Education.
Contact Us
- Marc M. Triola, MD, Director and Associate Dean for Educational Informatics, Marc.Triola@NYULangone.org or 212-263-6694
- Ryann Quigley, Executive Director, Ryann.Quigley@NYULangone.org
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is a federally mandated entity responsible for the assessment and oversight of the institution’s animal care and use program and facilities. Committee members are charged with ensuring the program’s full compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations governing the use of animals in research on NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s campus. Learn more about our Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Contact Us
- Main Office: iacuc@nyulangone.org
- Natalie L. Mays, Director, natalie.mays@nyulangone.org or 646-754-5258
Institutional Biosafety Committee
NYU’s Institutional Biosafety Committee enforces policies and guidelines relevant to the use of all potentially hazardous biological materials. The committee ensures that research involving recombinant DNA, infectious agents, nonhuman primate materials (including established cell lines), select agents, and human gene transfer studies conducted at NYU are in compliance with the National Institutes of Health guidelines and all institutional policies. Learn more about the Institutional Biosafety Committee.
Contact Us
- Main Office: ibc@nyulangone.org
- Natalie L. Mays, Director, natalie.mays@nyulangone.org or 646-754-5258
Institutional Review Entity
The Institutional Review Entity provides oversight of potential dual use research of concern conducted at NYU.
Contact Us
- Main Office: ire@nyulangone.org
- Natalie L. Mays, Institutional Contact, natalie.mays@nyulangone.org or 646-754-5258
Office of Medical Education
The Office of Medical Education serves as NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s centralized education hub committed to developing, planning, and implementing a world-class undergraduate medical education (UME) curriculum. We manage all aspects of the UME experience, including curriculum development, student assessment, program evaluation, innovative paradigms for teaching and learning, and a continuous quality improvement process to assess our program. We also provide the resources necessary to ensure the success of our teaching faculty. Learn more about the Office of Medical Education.
Contact Us
- Mel Rosenfeld, PhD, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, mel.rosenfeld@nyulangone.org or 212-263-2195
- Michael Poles, MD, PhD, Associate Dean for Curriculum, michael.poles@nyulangone.org or 646-501-2710
- Verity Shaye, MD, MHPE, Assistant Dean for Education in the Clinical Sciences, verity.schaye@nyulangone.org or 212-263-3006
- Kristi Tutela-Dane, JD, MBA, Senior Director, kristi.tutela-dane@nyulangone.org or 212-263-5064
New York Simulation Center
The New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences, a partnership between NYU Langone and the City University of New York, is one of the nation’s newest, largest, and most sophisticated urban health science simulation training facilities for students, health care professionals, and first responders in New York City. Learn more about the New York Simulation Center.
Contact Us
- General Information: nysim@nyulangone.org or 646-501-4000
- Crystal Maniniero, MPA, Medical Director, Crystal.Mainiero@NYULangone.org
Postdoctoral Affairs
Postdoctoral Affairs works to improve the quality of life and the educational experience for postdoctoral fellows at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Learn more about Postdoctoral Affairs.
Contact Us
- Keith Micoli, PhD, Associate Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs, keith.micoli@nyulangone.org or 212-263-8569
Office of Registration and Student Records
The Office of Registration and Student Records is the registrar’s office for NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Learn more about registration and student records.
Contact Us
- Lori Andrade, Director, lori.andrade@nyulangone.org or 212-263-5291
Research Communications
Research Communications is responsible for Office of Science and Research internal communications across all channels, including the research portal, Office of Science and Research websites, the “Spotlight on Science” newsletter, weekly announcements, and email communications. The team also collaborates with NYU Langone’s Office of Communications and Marketing and the Office of Development to publicize major research studies, award winners, and other awe-inspiring news. Contact us to sign up for enewsletters and email announcements.
Contact Us
- Main Office: osrcommunications@nyulangone.org
Research Development and Implementation
The Research Development and Implementation team supports NYU Langone investigators with finding intramural and extramural funding, including nomination for “limited” competition awards; obtaining feedback on early and near–final drafts of the aims and research strategy sections; providing assistance on project planning, timeline management, budget development, and writing budget justifications for complex proposals; start-up of recently awarded large complex grants; supporting clinical research staff retention and recruitment efforts; and examining clinical research space needs as well as exploring NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue as a research resource. Learn more about Research Development and Implementation (Kerberos ID and password required).
Contact Us
- Jacqui Arciniega, MPH, Senior Director, jacqueline.arciniega@nyulangone.org or 646-754-4729
- Main Office: rdi@nyulangone.org
Research Support
Additional offices that support research at NYU Langone include the Conflicts of Interest Management Unit, Medical Center Information Technology Research, the NYU Health Sciences Library, Research Compliance, and Research Finance Operations.
Conflicts of Interest Management Unit
The Conflicts of Interest Management Unit ensures the integrity and objectivity of business decision-making and research credibility at NYU Langone. The office also ensures compliance with rules and regulations, such as the Public Health Service financial conflict of interest disclosure regulations, the Physician Payment Sunshine Act, and the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act.
Contact Us
- Susan Ross, Director, susan.ross@nyulangone.org or 212-404-4191
Medical Center Information Technology Research
Medical Center Information Technology (MCIT) Research is responsible for the oversight of the following research applications and services: DataCore, Research Navigator, LIMS, REDCap, and Velos.
Contact Us
- Main Office: mcitresearchit@nyulangone.org or 212-263-7300
- John Speakman, Senior Director, john.speakman@nyulangone.org or 646-501-2827
NYU Health Sciences Library
The NYU Health Sciences Library enhances learning, research, and patient care by managing knowledge-based resources, providing client-centered information services and education, and fostering new initiatives in technology. The library supports research efforts across NYU Langone through literature searching consultations and systematic review support, as well as classes and consultations in data visualization, data sharing, and data management, including REDCap and i2b2, and assistance with EndNote. Learn more about Health Sciences Library services.
Contact Us
- Main Office: 646-501-2986
Research Compliance
The Research Compliance office supports faculty members, students, and staff with conducting scientific research in accord with regulatory requirements and ethical standards.
Contact Us
- Susan Ross, Director, susan.ross@nyulangone.org or 212-404-4191
Research Finance Operations
Research Finance Operations provides the central administration, oversight, and governance of postaward activity for all sponsored research grants and contracts. Postaward activities include, but are not limited to, monitoring of grant expense, financial reporting, invoicing, and fiscal and budget management, as well as grant compliance. The primary goal for Research Finance Operations administration is the effective, accurate, and proactive management of grant funding—from award to closeout—within the terms and conditions specified to meet sponsor requirements.
Contact Us
- Tracey Volz, Assistant Vice President, tracey.volz@nyulangone.org or 646-754-5294
Office of Science and Research
The Office of Science and Research is dedicated to our mission of advancing research and improving healthcare through scientific discovery. Learn more about the Office of Science and Research.
Contact Us
- Main Office: osrcommunications@nyulangone.org
Sponsored Programs Administration
Also known as the Grants Office, the Sponsored Programs Administration supports research programs by working to ensure compliance with the policies and procedures of NYU, NYU Langone, research sponsors, and the government entities. Sponsored Programs Administration also oversees the submission, negotiation, and contracting of sponsored programs on behalf of NYU Langone. Learn more about Sponsored Programs Administration.
Contact Us
- Main Office: grants.office@nyulangone.org or 212-263-8822
- Christopher Suarez, Director, christopher.suarez@nyulangone.org
Office of Student Affairs
The mission of NYU Grossman School of Medicine's Office of Student Affairs is to support medical students by implementing programs, policies, and services that promote several goals:
- We encourage students to develop self-awareness and a sense of wellbeing by establishing sustainable life-long practices.
- We foster an inclusive culture that prepares students to engage in the medical, local, and global communities.
- We anticipate student needs and advocate for student-centered initiatives.
To achieve our mission, we establish partnerships within and outside of NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Learn more about programs and activities for current MD students.
Contact Us
- Victoria C. Dinsell, MD, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, victoria.dinsell@nyulangone.org or 212-263-6088
Student Health Services
Student Health Services provides medical and limited mental health services to NYU Grossman School of Medicine students. Learn more about our student health services.
Contact Us
- Katherine Soller, MA, Director, katherine.soller@nyulangone.org or 212-263-5489
Technology Opportunities and Ventures
Technology Opportunities and Ventures supports the development and commercialization of technologies created at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and NYU. It comprises four focus areas: technology transfer, licensing, and startup formation; intellectual property; contracts; and investment and commercialization support. Its team of technology innovation experts commercialize the output of a $930 million research base by evaluating and creating intellectual property strategies and finding external partners to create the products.
Contact Us
- Marc Sedam, Vice President of Technology Opportunities and Ventures, marc.sedam@nyulangone.org
Training Center of Excellence
The Training Center of Excellence offers a variety of educational tools and programs to improve research practices and collaboration, as well as to increase employees’ job satisfaction, retention, and development. In addition, the Training Center of Excellence oversees NYU Langone’s Association of Clinical Coordination and Research Management.
Contact Us
- Jay Naik, Director, jay.naik@nyulangone.org
Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences
The Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences offers PhD training programs in the biomedical sciences, the MD/PhD program, the MS in biomedical informatics, and the Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Email vilcek-info@nyulangone.org for information about any of our programs.
PhD Program
We offer interdisciplinary training programs in the basic biomedical sciences, leading to the PhD degree. Learn more about our PhD training programs.
Contact Us
- Susanne Tranguch, PhD, MBA, Associate Dean for Research Training and Communications, susanne.tranguch@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0470
MD/PhD Program
We offer a rigorous dual MD/PhD training track that merges the fundamentals of scientific inquiry with clinical insight and experience. Learn more about the MD/PhD training program.
Contact Us
- Susanne Tranguch, PhD, MBA, Associate Dean for Research Training and Communications, susanne.tranguch@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0470
- Erik P. Sulman, MD, PhD, Director, erik.sulman@nyulangone.org or 646-501-9800
MS in Biomedical Informatics
The MS in biomedical informatics program is a one-year curriculum designed to teach practical skills in basic science, translational science, and medical research. The program develops professionals who can readily solve modern informatics challenges. Learn more about the MS in biomedical informatics.
Contact Us
- Susanne Tranguch, PhD, MBA, Associate Dean for Research Training and Communications, susanne.tranguch@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0470
- David Fenyö, PhD, Director, david.fenyo@nyulangone.org or 212-263-2216
Summer Undergraduate Research Program
In coordination with the Office of Diversity Affairs, NYU Grossman School of Medicine offers a Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) for qualified rising college juniors and seniors who are interested in pursuing the MD, MD/PhD, or PhD degree and a career in biomedical research. Learn more about SURP.
Contact Us
- Susanne Tranguch, PhD, MBA, Associate Dean for Research Training and Communications, susanne.tranguch@nyulangone.org or 212-263-0470
WISE Program
The WISE program, which began as the Web Initiative for Surgical Education, is a healthcare educational hub for institutions that train the next generation of physicians and healthcare professionals. WISE offers online courses that include standardized and peer-reviewed modules and assessment tools.
Each course includes an in-depth look into clinical content and processes to establish a differential diagnosis and a common base of knowledge for learners. The modules within each course enhance the education of medical students and other healthcare professionals by providing high-quality content on common surgical conditions. Learn more about the WISE program.
Contact Us
- Lynn Buckvar-Keltz, MD, WISE Co-Director, lynn.buckvar-keltz@nyulangone.org
- Jeffrey A. Manko, MD, WISE Co-Director, jeffrey.manko@nyulangone.org
- Danielle Milbauer, MBA, Senior Director, danielle.milbauer@nyulangone.org