Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Administration
For information about programs at NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, call 212-263-5648, email Vilcek-Info@NYULangone.org, or reach out to a member of our team.
Susanne Tranguch, PhD, MBA, Associate Dean for Research Training and Communications
Dr. Tranguch oversees the administration of all the programs of Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. She works closely with the directors with recruitment and admissions, and ensures that all students receive outstanding training and support throughout their tenures. She is also a research assistant professor in the Department of Cell Biology and oversees research communications in the Office of Science and Research. Dr. Tranguch was previously assistant director, research mission programs, in the Office of Science and Research. Before joining NYU Grossman School of Medicine, she was senior editor of Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Contact her at Susanne.Tranguch@NYULangone.org or 212-263-0470. Learn more about Dr. Tranguch.
E. Jane Albert Hubbard, PhD, Director of Academic Development
Dr. Hubbard oversees academic development of students in Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, ensuring that our students receive outstanding training and support throughout their PhD experience. This includes assisting students in finding thesis mentors, in tracking degree progress, and in development as a professional scientist. She is also a professor in NYU Langone’s Departments of Cell Biology and Pathology. Contact her at Jane.Hubbard@NYULangone.org. Learn more about Dr. Hubbard.
Amanda W. Lund, PhD, Director of Curriculum
Dr. Lund directs the curriculum for Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, where she is responsible for administering the core curriculum and overseeing training across all our training programs. Dr. Lund is also an associate professor in the Department of Pathology and the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at NYU Langone, where her lab is focused on understanding the immunological implications of lymphatic transport in skin and melanoma. Contact her at Amanda.Lund@NYULangone.org. Learn more about Dr. Lund.
Richard L. Possemato, PhD, Director of Admissions
Dr. Possemato leads recruitment and admissions efforts for Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. He is also an associate professor in NYU Langone’s Department of Pathology and the co-leader of the Cancer Cell Biology Program at Perlmutter Cancer Center, where he runs a basic science research laboratory studying the altered metabolism of tumors. Contact him at Richard.Possemato@NYULangone.org. Learn more about Dr. Possemato.
Kelly Ruggles, PhD, Director, Master’s Education
Dr. Ruggles supervises and coordinates the master’s degree academic programs at Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. In this role, she provides oversight on admissions, curriculum, and student affairs for master’s education at the institution. This includes student and faculty recruitment, program development, course registration, curriculum evaluation, and student support. She also serves as the co-director for the Biomedical Informatics MS Training Program. In addition, Dr. Ruggles is an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Langone. Contact her at Kelly.Ruggles@NYULangone.org or 212-263-3642. Learn more about Dr. Ruggles.
Julia Gelman, PhD, Director, Graduate Programs
Dr. Gelman manages a broad portfolio of Training Grant programs within the Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences and works closely with leadership on recruitment, admissions, and supporting students. She is also a research assistant professor in the Department of Cell Biology. Contact her at Julia.Gelman@NYULangone.org. Learn more about Dr. Gelman.
Tim Requarth, PhD, Director of Graduate Science Writing
Dr. Requarth develops science communication curricula for students enrolled in PhD and MD/PhD programs at Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Requarth has a PhD in neuroscience from Columbia University, and is an award-winning science journalist. He is also a research assistant professor in the Department of Neuroscience & Physiology. Contact him at Tim.Requarth@NYULangone.org or 212-263-4384. Learn more about Dr. Requarth.
Lisabeth Greene, MA, Assistant Director, Graduate Student Services
Ms. Greene oversees registration, is a liaison to NYU’s Graduate School of Arts and Science and certifies PhD degrees. She also works with the student council and administrative leadership to organize and develop social and academic programs for graduate students, including orientation, the Vilcek PhD milestone series, and the Vilcek curriculum committee. Contact her at Lisabeth.Greene@NYULangone.org or 212-263-5431.
Kristin Feliz, MS, Program Manager, Admissions
Ms. Feliz works with leadership at Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences on admissions and recruitment efforts for both the PhD and MD/PhD programs. She also assists in the development of new recruitment and enrollment initiatives. Prior to joining us, Ms. Feliz was the assistant director of admissions at NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress. Contact her at Kristin.Feliz@NYULangone.org or 212-263-4396.
Fanta Sissoko, Program Manager
As program manager, Ms. Sissoko develops initiatives, programming, and events. She supports student groups, helps with recruitment, and also provides coaching sessions and advice to students throughout their time in the program. Contact her at Fanta.Sissoko@NYULangone.org or 646-501-0560.
Sandra Squarcia, MA, Program Manager, MS in Biomedical Informatics
As program manager, Ms. Squarcia manages the MS in Biomedical Informatics program and supports MS candidates. Contact her at Sandra.Squarcia@NYULangone.org or 212-263-4775.
Kristina Diminich, MA, Program Manager, MD/PhD Program
Ms. Diminich manages the MD/PhD program and supports MD/PhD students throughout their time in the program. She is the point of contact for student services and helps organize events. Contact her at Kristina.Diminich@NYULangone.org or 212-263-0472.
Disclaimer: NYU Langone’s programs do not include preferences, quotas, or set asides, or otherwise exclude anyone based on race, sex, or other protected categories.