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Allal Boutajangout

Allal Boutajangout, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Department of Neurology

Research Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology

Therapy and immunotherapy of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases such as prion disease, frontotemporal dementia, traumatic brain injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy; monoclonal antibodies, transgenic mice,Diagnosis and Biomarkers

My current research focuses on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, with a particular interest in immunotherapy. I am currently in the process of testing the efficacy of generated antibodies in different neurodegenerative diseases, in addition to identifying novel blood biomarkers for the prediction and monitoring of disease progression- crucial for detection of early stage AD.




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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

PhD from Universite de Bruxelles

New York University School of Medicine, Psychiatry

Chen, Anna M; Gajdošík, Martin; Ahmed, Wajiha; Ahn, Sinyeob; Babb, James S; Blessing, Esther M; Boutajangout, Allal; de Leon, Mony J; Debure, Ludovic; Gaggi, Naomi; Gajdošík, Mia; George, Ajax; Ghuman, Mobeena; Glodzik, Lidia; Harvey, Patrick; Juchem, Christoph; Marsh, Karyn; Peralta, Rosemary; Rusinek, Henry; Sheriff, Sulaiman; Vedvyas, Alok; Wisniewski, Thomas; Zheng, Helena; Osorio, Ricardo; Kirov, Ivan I

NeuroImage. 2024 Aug 15; 297:120742

Trouche, Stéphanie G; Boutajangout, Allal; Asuni, Ayodeji; Fontés, Pascaline; Sigurdsson, Einar M; Verdier, Jean-Michel; Mestre-Francés, Nadine

Brain, behavior & immunity. 2022 Dec 30; 109:63-77

Frontera, Jennifer A; Boutajangout, Allal; Masurkar, Arjun V; Betensky, Rebecca A; Ge, Yulin; Vedvyas, Alok; Debure, Ludovic; Moreira, Andre; Lewis, Ariane; Huang, Joshua; Thawani, Sujata; Balcer, Laura; Galetta, Steven; Wisniewski, Thomas

Alzheimer's & dementia. 2022 May; 18(5):899-910

Boutajangout, Allal; Zhang, Wei; Abdali, Wed; Kim, Justin Sung Tae; Prelli, Frances; Wisniewski, Thomas

Alzheimer's & dementia. 2021 Dec 31; 17(S9):

Boutajangout, Allal; Frontera, Jennifer; Debure, Ludovic; Vedvyas, Alok; Faustin, Arline; Wisniewski, Thomas

Alzheimer's & dementia. 2021 Dec 31; 17(S5 Suppl):?

Mansouri, Bouchra El; Amarir, Fatima; Peyron, Francois; Adlaoui, El Bachir; Piarroux, Raphael; Lykins, Joseph; Abbassi, Majda El; Nekkal, Nesma; Bouhlal, Nadia; Makkaoui, Kamar; Barkat, Amina; Lyaghfouri, Aziza; Zhou, Ying; Rais, Samira; Oudghiri, Mounia; Elkoraichi, Ismail; Zekri, Mustapha; Belkadi, Nezha; Mellouk, Hajar; Rhajaoui, Mohamed; Boutajangout, Allal; Sadak, Abderrahim; Limonne, Denis; McLeod, Rima; Bissati, Kamal El

Emerging microbes & infections. 2021 Jun 24; 1-47

Boutajangout, Allal; Zhang, Wei; Kim, Justin; Abdali, Wed Ali; Prelli, Frances; Wisniewski, Thomas

Frontiers in aging neuroscience. 2021 Mar; 13:640677

Boutajangout, Allal; Lindberg, Hanna; Awwad, Abdulaziz; Paul, Arun; Baitalmal, Rabaa; Almokyad, Ismail; Höidén-Guthenberg, Ingmarie; Gunneriusson, Elin; Frejd, Fredrik Y; Härd, Torleif; Löfblom, John; StÃ¥hl, Stefan; Wisniewski, Thomas

Frontiers in aging neuroscience. 2019 Mar; 11:64