Andrew Brotman

Andrew Brotman, MD

Executive Vice President and Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs and Strategy, Chief Clinical Officer

Professor, Department of Psychiatry

eating disorders, psychopharmacology, health system development


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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

Executive Vice President and Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs and Strategy, Chief Clinical Officer

MD from New York Medical College

Jimerson DC; Wolfe BE; Brotman AW; Metzger ED

Psychiatric clinics of North America. 1996 Dec; 19(4):739-54

Brewerton TD; Lydiard RB; Herzog DB; Brotman AW; O'Neil PM; Ballenger JC

Journal of clinical psychiatry. 1995 Feb; 56(2):77-80

Jimerson DC; Herzog DB; Brotman AW

Harvard review of psychiatry. 1993 Jul-Aug; 1(2):82-93

Schwartz JT; Brotman AW

Drugs. 1992 Dec; 44(6):981-92

Goff DC; Brotman AW; Kindlon D; Waites M; Amico E

Journal of nervous & mental disease. 1991 Sep; 179(9):567-71

Goff DC; Midha KK; Brotman AW; McCormick S; Waites M; Amico ET

Journal of clinical psychopharmacology. 1991 Jun; 11(3):193-7

Goff DC; Midha KK; Brotman AW; Waites M; Baldessarini RJ

American journal of psychiatry. 1991 Jun; 148(6):790-2

Goff DC; Brotman AW; Kindlon D; Waites M; Amico E

Psychiatry research. 1991 Apr; 37(1):73-80