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Danny Horesh, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry

PhD from Tel Aviv University

Horesh, Danny; Lahav, Yael

Journal of clinical psychology. 2024 Sep 13;

Lev-Ari, Rony Kapel; Solomon, Zahava; Horesh, Danny

European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. 2024 Sep 01; 8(<prism:issueIdentifier>3):?-?

Taub, Renen; Agmon-Levin, Nancy; Frumer, Lee; Samuel-Magal, Inbal; Glick, Ittai; Horesh, Danny

Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2024 Aug 01; 56:?-?

Taub, Renen; Agmon-Levin, Nancy; Frumer, Lee; Samuel-Magal, Inbal; Glick, Ittai; Horesh, Danny

Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2024 Aug; 56:101860

Hasson-Ohayon, Ilanit; Horesh, Danny

Journal of traumatic stress. 2024 Apr; 37(2):348-351

Seefeld, Lara; Handelzalts, Jonathan E; Horesh, Danny; Horsch, Antje; Ayers, Susan; Dikmen-Yildiz, Pelin; Akik, Burcu Kömürcü; Garthus-Niegel, Susan

Journal of affective disorders. 2023 Dec 26; 348:378-388

Zaks, Ilil; Dekel, Rachel; Zuckerman, Yael Shoval; Horesh, Danny

Contemporary clinical trials. 2023 Jul 05; 132:107280

Sadeh, Dana Feldman; Frenk, Mira Levis; Simha, Tomer; Horesh, Danny; Steinberg, Tamar; Geva, Nofar; Nahon, Matan; Dietrich, Andrea; Hoekstra, Pieter J; Ruhrman, Daphna; Apter, Alan; Fennig, Silvana; Benaroya-Milshtein, Noa

Pediatric neurology. 2023 Jul; 144:90-96