Dorothy N. Friedberg, MD, PhD

Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology

ocular complications of AIDS

Dorothy N. Friedberg, M.D., Ph.D. is currently involved in clinical research on the ocular complications of AIDS. As part of this work Dr. Friedberg and her co-investigators are participating in several national multicenter protocols sponsored by industry and by the National Eye Institute. These projects are investigating medications for the treatment of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis which if untreated can produce retinal destruction and blindness. Dr. Friedberg is also studying the intraocular pressure in HIV-infected patients without obvious eye disease in an attempt to understand the etiology of the reported low pressures in this group of patients.

The investigators have done some preliminary electrophysiological evaluations in HIV-infected patients. Even in patients without retinitis or retinal microangiopathy there are abnormalities in both the ERG and dark adaption. Dr. Friedberg and her co-investigators are planning to expand these studies to include evaluation of long term non progressors, patients infected with HIV who do not go on to develop AIDS at the usual rate. A strong commitment to basic ophthalmic research will allow them to expand the scope of investigations.

The investigators are currently working with several opthamologists to develop an ocular HIV study group to facilitate communications between opthamologists both in the US and abroad who are involved in patient care and/or research in ocular HIV.


These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

MD from New York University

PhD from New York University

Residency, Albert Einstein, Ophthalmology

Kempen, John H; Min, Yuan-I; Freeman, William R; Holland, Gary N; Friedberg, Dorothy N; Dieterich, Douglas T; Jabs, Douglas A

Ophthalmology. 2006 Apr; 113(4):684-94

Ocular complications

Friedberg DN; Lorenzo-Latkany M

Tuberculosis. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. 2nd ed.. p.465-476. (3971)

Lalezari, Jacob; Lindley, Janette; Walmsley, Sharon; Kuppermann, Baruch; Fisher, Martin; Friedberg, Dorothy; Lalonde, Richard; Matheron, Sophie; Nieto, Leopoldo; Torriani, Francesca J; Van Syoc, Rod; Sutton, Mary Ann; Buhles, William; Stempien, Mary Jean

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes. JAIDS. 2002 Aug 01; 30(4):392-400

Lalezari, Jacob P; Friedberg, Dorothy N; Bissett, Jack; Giordano, Michael F; Hardy, W David; Drew, W Lawrence; Hubbard, Larry D; Buhles, William C; Stempien, Mary Jean; Georgiou, Panos; Jung, Donald T; Robinson, Charles A

Journal of clinical virology. 2002 Feb; 24(1-2):67-77

Long-term follow-up of patients with AIDS treated with parenteral cidofovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis: the HPMPC Peripheral Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial - The Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group

Lewis, RA; Carr, LM; Doyle, K; Fainstein, V; Gross, R; Orengo-Nania, S; Samo, TC; Shigley, JW; Spencer, SS; Weinert, M; Dunn, JP; Bartlett, J; Becker, R; Feinberg, J; Jabs, DA; Johnson, DA; LaSalvia, S; Miller, T; Neisser, LG; Semba, RD; Tay-Kearney, ML; Tucker, P; Barron, B; Jarrott, C; Peyman, G; Swenie, D; Friedman, AH; Ginsburg, R; Sacks, H; Severin, C; Teich, S; Wallach, F; Rescigno, R; Cowan, J; Horan, C; Kloser, P; Wanner, M; Friedberg, DN; Addessi, A; Chachoua, A; Dieterich, D; Hill, J; Hutt, R; Ligh, J; Lorenzo-Latkany, M; Pei, M; Powers, T; Scoppe, C; Weinberg, DV; Jampol, LM; Lyon, AT; Munana, A; Murphy, R; Palella, F; Richine, L; Strugala, Z; Valadez, G; Holland, GN; Carlson, ME; Chafey, S; Hardy, WD; Johiro, AK; MacArthur-Chang, LJ; Martin, MA; Moe, AA; Strong, CA; Tufail, A; Ugalat, PS; Weisz, JM; Freeman, WR; Arevalo-Colina, JF; Clark, T; Jarman, CL; Meixner, L; Meng, TC; Spector, S; Taskintuna, I; Torriani, FJ; O'Donnell, J; Alfred, P; Ballesteros, F; Clay, D; Coleman, R; Gordon, K; Gumbley, D; Hoffman, J; Irvine, A; Jacobson, M; Larson, J; Macalalag, L; Narahara, M; Payne, M; Seiff, S; Wilson, S; Woodring, H; Davis, J; Mendez, P; Murray, T; Simmons, T; van der Horst, C; Kylstra, J; Wohl, D; Ziman, K; Pavan, PR; Bergen, GA; Cohen, SM; Craig, JA; Dehler, RL; Elbert, E; Fox, RW; Grizzard, WS; Hammer, ME; Hernandez, LS; Herrera, S; Holt, D; Kemp, S; Larkin, JA; Ledford, DK; Lockey, RF; Menosky, MM; Millard, S; Nadler, JP; Nelson, RP; Norris, D; Ormerod, LD; Pautler, SE; Poblete, SJ; Rodriguez, D; Rosenbach, KP; Seekins, DW; Toney, JR; Jabs, DA; Dodge, JM; Klemstine, JL; Schuerholtz, TA; Stevens, M; Meinert, CL; Amend-Libercci, D; Coleson, L; Collins, KL; Collison, BJ; Dawson, C; Dodge, J; Donithan, M; Ewing, C; Fink, N; Gerczak, C; Harle, J; Holbrook, JT; Huffman, R; Isaacson, MR; Gilpin, AMK; Lane, M; Levine, CR; Martin, B; Meinert, J; Nowakowski, DJ; Owens, RM; Piantadosi, B; Saah, A; Smith, M; Tonascia, J; Van Natta, ML; Davis, MD; Armstrong, J; Brickbauer, J; Brothers, R; Chop, M; Hubbard, L; Hurlburt, D; Kastorff, L; Magli, Y; Neider, M; Onofrey, J; Stoppenbach, V; Vanderhoof-Young, M; Walls, M; Hughes, R; Kurinij, N; Mowery, RL; Alston, B; Foulkes, M; Jabs, DA; Davis, MD; Kurinij, N; Meinert, CL; Mowery, RL; Jabs, DA; Addessi, A; Alston, B; Clark, T; Davis, MD; Feinberg, J; Freeman, W; Holbrook, J; Holland, GN; Hubbard, L; Jacobson, M; Kurinij, N; Lewis, RA; McArthur-Chang, L; Meinert, C; Mowery, R; Murphy, R; Polsky, B; Tonascia, J; Jabs, DA; Davis, MD; Duncan, WR; Feinberg, J; Kessler, H; Kurinij, N; Lambert, AG; Meinert, CL; Mowery, RL; Powderly, W; Schnittman, S; Spector, S; Tonascia, J; Brown, BW; Conway, B; Grizzle, J; Nussenblatt, R; Phair, JP; Smith, H; Whitley, R; Alston, B; Davis, MD; Foulkes, M; Jabs, DA; Kurinij, N; Meinert, CL; Mowery, RL; Tonascia, J; Jabs, DA; Freeman, WR; Jacobson, M; Murphy, R; Van Natta, ML; Meinert, CL; Cheng, B; Frost, K; Lambert, AG; Marco, M

AIDS. 2000 Jul 28; 14(11):1571-1581

Ritterband DC; Friedberg DN

Reviews in medical virology. 1998 Oct; 8(4):187-201

MSL-109 adjuvant therapy for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency in syndrome - The monoclonal antibody cytomegalovirus retinitis trial

Lewis, RA; CarrHolden, LM; Doyle, K; Fainstein, V; Gardner, N; Gross, R; OrengoNania, S; Patel, V; Samo, TC; Shigley, JW; Shawver, L; Spencer, SS; Weinert, M; Martin, DF; Gibbs, D; Jernigan, J; Dunn, JP; Bartlett, J; Becker, R; Jabs, DA; Johnson, DA; LaSalvia, S; Leslie, J; Maenza, J; Miller, T; Neisser, LG; Semba, RD; Tucker, P; Barron, B; Jarrott, C; Peyman, G; Swenie, D; Heinemann, MH; Janis, R; Polsky, B; Sepkowitz, K; Friedman, AH; Ginsburg, R; Severin, C; Teich, S; Wallach, F; Rescigno, R; PaezBoham, R; Buroff, E; Kloser, P; Wanner, M; Friedberg, DN; Addessi, A; Chachoua, A; Dieterich, D; Hill, J; Hutt, R; Kaul, A; Ligh, J; LorenzoLatkany, M; Pei, M; Powers, T; Weinberg, DV; Jampol, EM; Lyon, AT; Munana, A; Murphy, R; Palella, F; Richine, L; Strugala, Z; Valadez, G; Holland, GN; Carlson, ME; Chafey, SA; Hardy, WD; Johiro, AK; MacArthurChang, LJ; Martin, MA; Moe, AA; Strong, CA; Tufail, A; Ugalat, PS; Weisz, JM; Freeman, WR; ArevaloColina, JF; Clark, T; Jarman, CL; Meixner, L; Meng, TC; Spector, S; Taskintuna, I; Torriani, FJ; ODonnell, J; Alfred, P; Ballesteros, F; Clay, D; Coleman, R; Gordon, K; Gumbley, D; Hoffman, J; Irvine, A; Jacobson, M; Larson, M; Macalalag, L; Narahara, M; Payne, M; Seiff, S; Wilson, S; Woodring, H; Davis, J; Blenke, A; Madera, I; Mendez, P; Murray, T; vanderHorst, C; Kylstra, J; Wohl, D; Ziman, K; Pavan, PR; Grizzard, WS; Bergen, GA; Cohen, SM; Craig, JA; Dehler, RL; Elbert, E; Fox, RW; Hammer, ME; Hernandez, LS; Herrera, S; Holt, D; Kemp, S; Larkin, JA; Ledford, DK; Lockey, RF; Menosky, MM; Millard, S; Nadler, JP; Nelson, RP; Norris, D; Ormerod, LD; Pautler, SE; Poblete, SJ; Rodriguez, D; Rosenbach, KP; Seekins, DW; Toney, JR; Dodge, JM; Klemstine, JL; Schuerholtz, TA; Stevens, M; Meinert, CL; AmendLibercci, D; Coleson, L; Collins, KL; Collison, BJ; Dawson, C; Dodge, J; Donithan, M; Ewing, C; Fink, N; Gerczak, C; Harle, J; Holbrook, JT; Huffman, R; Isaacson, MR; Gilpin, AMK; Lane, M; Levine, CR; Martin, B; Meinert, J; Min, N; Nowakowski, DJ; Owens, RM; Oziemkowska, MJ; Piantadosi, B; Saah, A; Smith, M; Tonascia, J; VanNatta, ML; Davis, MD; Armstrong, J; Brickbauer, J; Brothers, R; Chop, M; Hubbard, L; Hurlburt, D; Kastorff, L; Neider, M; Onofrey, J; Stoppenbach, V; VanderhoofYoung, M; Walls, M; Hughes, R; Kurinij, N; Mowery, RL; Alston, B; Foulkes, M; Nadler, PI; Wood, DL; Bladet, M; Wu, N; Clark, T; Feinberg, J; Freeman, W; Holbrook, J; McArthurChang, L; Duncan, WR; Kessler, H; Lambert, AG; Powderly, W; Schnittman, S; Spector, S; Brown, BW; Conway, B; Grizzle, J; Nussenblatt, R; Phair, JP; Smith, H; Whitley, R; Cheng, B; Frost, K; Marco, M

Archives of ophthalmology (1960). 1997 Dec; 115(12):1528-1536

Parenteral cidofovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AI

Lewis, RA; Carr, LM; Doyle, K; Fainstein, V; Gross, R; OrengoNania, S; Samo, TC; Shigley, JW; Spencer, SS; Weinert, M; Dunn, JP; Bartlett, J; Becker, R; Feinberg, J; Jabs, DA; Johnson, DA; LaSalvia, S; Miller, T; Neisser, LG; Semba, RD; TayKearney, ML; Tucker, P; Barron, B; Jarrott, C; Peyman, G; Swenie, D; Friedman, AH; Ginsburg, R; Sacks, H; Severin, C; Teich, S; Wallach, F; Rescigno, R; Cowan, J; Horan, C; Kloser, P; Wanner, M; Friedberg, DN; Addessi, A; Chachoua, A; Dieterich, D; Hill, J; Hutt, R; Ligh, J; LorenzoLatkany, M; Pei, M; Powers, T; Scoppe, C; Weinberg, DV; Jampol, LM; Lyon, AT; Munana, A; Murphy, R; Palella, F; Richine, L; Strugala, Z; Valadez, G; Holland, GN; Carlson, ME; Chafey, S; Hardy, WD; Johiro, AK; MacarthurChang, L; Martin, MA; Moe, AA; Strong, CA; Tufail, A; Ugalat, PS; Weisz, JM; Freeman, WR; ArevaloColina, JF; Clark, T; Jarman, CL; Meixner, L; Meng, TC; Spector, S; Taskintuna, I; Torriani, FJ; ODonnell, J; Alfred, P; Ballesteros, F; Clay, D; Coleman, R; Gumbley, D; Hoffman, J; Irvine, A; Jacobson, M; Larson, J; Macalalag, L; Narahara, M; Payne, M; Seiff, S; Wilson, S; Woodring, H; Davis, J; Mendez, P; Murray, T; Simmons, T; vanderHorst, C; Kylstra, J; Wohl, D; Ziman, K; Pavan, PR; Bergen, GA; Cohen, SM; Craig, JA; Dehler, RL; Elbert, E; Fox, RW; Grizzard, WS; Hammer, ME; Hernandez, LS; Herrera, S; Holt, D; Kemp, S; Larkin, JA; Ledford, DK; Lockey, RF; Menosky, MM; Millard, S; Nadler, JP; Nelson, RP; Norris, D; Ormerod, LD; Pautler, SE; Poblete, SJ; Rodriguez, D; Rosenbach, KP; Seekins, DW; Toney, JR; Dodge, JM; Klemstine, JL; Schuerholtz, TA; Stevens, M; Meinert, CL; AmendLibercci, D; Coleson, L; Collins, KL; Collison, BJ; Dawson, C; Dodge, J; Donithan, M; Ewing, C; Fink, N; Gerczak, C; Harle, J; Holbrook, JT; Huffman, R; Isaacson, MR; Gilpin, AMK; Lane, M; Levine, CR; Martin, B; Meinert, J; Nowakowski, DJ; Owens, RM; Piantadosi, B; Saah, A; Smith, M; Tonascia, J; VanNatta, ML; Davis, MD; Armstrong, J; Brickbauer, J; Brothers, R; Chop, M; Hubbard, L; Hurlburt, D; Kastorff, L; Magli, Y; Neider, M; Onofrey, J; Stoppenbach, V; VanderhoofYoung, M; Walls, M; Hughes, R; Kurinij, N; Mowery, RL; Alston, B; Foulkes, M; Freeman, W; Holbrook, J; Meinert, C; Mowery, R; Polsky, B; Duncan, WR; Kessler, H; Lambert, AG; Powderly, W; Schnittman, S; Spector, S; Brown, BW; Conway, B; Grizzle, J; Nussenblatt, R; Phair, JP; Smith, H; Whitley, R; Cheng, B; Frost, K; Marco, M

Annals of internal medicine. 1997 FEB 15; 126(4):264