Associate Professor, Department of Population Health
I am a biostatistician with methdologic interests in design, implementation, and inference of population-based studies, including pragmatic, group-randomized designs, and health policy.
I am actively engaged in the study of comparative effectiveness of inpatient rehabilitation regimens to optimize functional outcomes and community participation for persons with traumatic brain injury. This project harmonizes data across fourteen health systems from their electronic health record, and applies and extends modern causal inference methods (NINDS 1UG/UH3NS117844). I co-lead a pilot project investigating the impacts of state level reproductive health policies and practices on maternal morbidity. In addition, I serve as Director of the NYU Langone Health Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design Program and am a member of the CTSI Data Safety Monitoring Committee.
My research focuses on pragmatic design developed with communities to promote health equity, including integration of administrative and electronic health records, and inferential methods development as applied to reproductive health, women's and maternal health, and traumatic brain injury.
Associate Professor, Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Associate Director, Division of Biostatistics, Department of Population Health
PhD from Ohio State University
Statistical methods in medical research. 2020 03; 29(3):695-708
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Paediatric & perinatal epidemiology. 2023 Jul; 37(5):365-375
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Statistics in medicine. 2014 Jan 15; 33(1):74-87
Journal of assisted reproduction & genetics. 2024 Oct; 41(10):2807-2812