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Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
MD from Tufts University
Co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders : a guide to diagnosis and treatment. Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2018]. 1st ed.. p.49-68. (3696792)
Pocket guide to addiction assessment and treatment . Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2016]. 1st edition. p.?-?. (2594432)
Pocket guide to addiction assessment and treatment. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2016. p.97-108. (2626602)
The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment. Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; US, 2015. 5th edition. p.81-97. (1645292)
Journal of dual diagnosis. 2009 Jan 01; 5(1):41-56
Biological psychiatry. 2004 Nov 15; 56(10):738-48
Drug & alcohol dependence. 2004 Nov 11; 76(2):213-5
Current psychiatry reports. 2003 Oct; 5(5):362-4