Patrick J. Heppell, PsyD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Fellman, Veronica; Heppell, Patrick J; Rao, Suchet

Psychiatric clinics of North America. 2024 Mar; 47(1):229-253

Fellman, Veronica; Heppell, Patrick J; Rao, Suchet

Child & adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. 2021 Jan; 30(1):225-249

Beyond PTSD : helping and healing teens exposed to trauma

Gerson, Ruth; Heppell, Patrick

Beyond PTSD : helping and healing teens exposed to trauma. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2019]. 1st ed.. 1 v. (3305532)

Child welfare and juvenile justice

Heppell, Patrick

Beyond PTSD : helping and healing teens exposed to trauma. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2019]. 1st ed. p.?-?. (3305762)

Recognition and treatment

Heppell, Patrick

Beyond PTSD : helping and healing teens exposed to trauma. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2019]. 1st ed. p.?-?. (3305682)

School systems

Heppell, Patrick

Beyond PTSD : helping and healing teens exposed to trauma. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2019]. 1st ed. p.?-?. (3305752)

Heppell, Patrick J; Rao, Suchet

Child & adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. 2018 Jul; 27(3):455-465