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Peter G. D'eustachio

Peter G. D'eustachio, PhD

Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Professor, Department of Medicine

Systems biology, bioinformatics

Building on my longstanding interests in mammalian genetics and genomics, my group’s work centers on the development of the Reactome Knowledgebase, an Elixir and Global Biodata Coalition core biological data resource, in collaboration with research teams at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, the Oregon Health & Science University, and the European Bioinformatics Institute - EMBL. We use a variety of sophisticated data-mining tools to capture molecular details of a broad range of normal and disease-related human biological processes in formats that meet community standards for data quality, interoperability, reusability, and open access.

The product of this work is a freely available, expert-annotated, peer-reviewed network of molecular transformations in a single consistent data structure. It now has information for about two-thirds of the human proteome. Reactome thus functions as a high-quality digital textbook of human molecular physiology, as a tool for discovering functional relationships in high-throughput datasets such as gene expression profiles and mutation catalogs from tumor cells, and as a starting point for computational modeling.



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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.
Orlic-Milacic, Marija; Rothfels, Karen; Matthews, Lisa; Wright, Adam; Jassal, Bijay; Shamovsky, Veronica; Trinh, Quang; Gillespie, Marc E; Sevilla, Cristoffer; Tiwari, Krishna; Ragueneau, Eliot; Gong, Chuqiao; Stephan, Ralf; May, Bruce; Haw, Robin; Weiser, Joel; Beavers, Deidre; Conley, Patrick; Hermjakob, Henning; Stein, Lincoln D; D'Eustachio, Peter; Wu, Guanming

Database : the journal of biological databases & curation. 2024 May 07; 2024:

Milacic, Marija; Beavers, Deidre; Conley, Patrick; Gong, Chuqiao; Gillespie, Marc; Griss, Johannes; Haw, Robin; Jassal, Bijay; Matthews, Lisa; May, Bruce; Petryszak, Robert; Ragueneau, Eliot; Rothfels, Karen; Sevilla, Cristoffer; Shamovsky, Veronica; Stephan, Ralf; Tiwari, Krishna; Varusai, Thawfeek; Weiser, Joel; Wright, Adam; Wu, Guanming; Stein, Lincoln; Hermjakob, Henning; D'Eustachio, Peter

Nucleic acids research. 2024 Jan 05; 52(D1):D672-D678

Gupta, Parul; Elser, Justin; Hooks, Elizabeth; D'Eustachio, Peter; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Naithani, Sushma

Nucleic acids research. 2024 Jan 05; 52(D1):D1538-D1547

Hill, David P; Drabkin, Harold J; Smith, Cynthia L; Van Auken, Kimberly M; D'Eustachio, Peter

Genetics. 2023 Oct 04; 225(2):

Beavers, Deidre; Brunson, Timothy; Sanati, Nasim; Matthews, Lisa; Haw, Robin; Shorser, Solomon; Sevilla, Cristoffer; Viteri, Guilherme; Conley, Patrick; Rothfels, Karen; Hermjakob, Henning; Stein, Lincoln; D'Eustachio, Peter; Wu, Guanming

Current protocols. 2023 Jul; 3(7):e845

Naithani, Sushma; Mohanty, Bijayalaxmi; Elser, Justin; D'Eustachio, Peter; Jaiswal, Pankaj

Plants (Basel, Switzerland). 2023 May 29; 12(11):

,; Aleksander, Suzi A; Balhoff, James; Carbon, Seth; Cherry, J Michael; Drabkin, Harold J; Ebert, Dustin; Feuermann, Marc; Gaudet, Pascale; Harris, Nomi L; Hill, David P; Lee, Raymond; Mi, Huaiyu; Moxon, Sierra; Mungall, Christopher J; Muruganugan, Anushya; Mushayahama, Tremayne; Sternberg, Paul W; Thomas, Paul D; Van Auken, Kimberly; Ramsey, Jolene; Siegele, Deborah A; Chisholm, Rex L; Fey, Petra; Aspromonte, Maria Cristina; Nugnes, Maria Victoria; Quaglia, Federica; Tosatto, Silvio; Giglio, Michelle; Nadendla, Suvarna; Antonazzo, Giulia; Attrill, Helen; Dos Santos, Gil; Marygold, Steven; Strelets, Victor; Tabone, Christopher J; Thurmond, Jim; Zhou, Pinglei; Ahmed, Saadullah H; Asanitthong, Praoparn; Luna Buitrago, Diana; Erdol, Meltem N; Gage, Matthew C; Ali Kadhum, Mohamed; Li, Kan Yan Chloe; Long, Miao; Michalak, Aleksandra; Pesala, Angeline; Pritazahra, Armalya; Saverimuttu, Shirin C C; Su, Renzhi; Thurlow, Kate E; Lovering, Ruth C; Logie, Colin; Oliferenko, Snezhana; Blake, Judith; Christie, Karen; Corbani, Lori; Dolan, Mary E; Drabkin, Harold J; Hill, David P; Ni, Li; Sitnikov, Dmitry; Smith, Cynthia; Cuzick, Alayne; Seager, James; Cooper, Laurel; Elser, Justin; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Gupta, Parul; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Naithani, Sushma; Lera-Ramirez, Manuel; Rutherford, Kim; Wood, Valerie; De Pons, Jeffrey L; Dwinell, Melinda R; Hayman, G Thomas; Kaldunski, Mary L; Kwitek, Anne E; Laulederkind, Stanley J F; Tutaj, Marek A; Vedi, Mahima; Wang, Shur-Jen; D'Eustachio, Peter; Aimo, Lucila; Axelsen, Kristian; Bridge, Alan; Hyka-Nouspikel, Nevila; Morgat, Anne; Aleksander, Suzi A; Cherry, J Michael; Engel, Stacia R; Karra, Kalpana; Miyasato, Stuart R; Nash, Robert S; Skrzypek, Marek S; Weng, Shuai; Wong, Edith D; Bakker, Erika; Berardini, Tanya Z; Reiser, Leonore; Auchincloss, Andrea; Axelsen, Kristian; Argoud-Puy, Ghislaine; Blatter, Marie-Claude; Boutet, Emmanuel; Breuza, Lionel; Bridge, Alan; Casals-Casas, Cristina; Coudert, Elisabeth; Estreicher, Anne; Livia Famiglietti, Maria; Feuermann, Marc; Gos, Arnaud; Gruaz-Gumowski, Nadine; Hulo, Chantal; Hyka-Nouspikel, Nevila; Jungo, Florence; Le Mercier, Philippe; Lieberherr, Damien; Masson, Patrick; Morgat, Anne; Pedruzzi, Ivo; Pourcel, Lucille; Poux, Sylvain; Rivoire, Catherine; Sundaram, Shyamala; Bateman, Alex; Bowler-Barnett, Emily; Bye-A-Jee, Hema; Denny, Paul; Ignatchenko, Alexandr; Ishtiaq, Rizwan; Lock, Antonia; Lussi, Yvonne; Magrane, Michele; Martin, Maria J; Orchard, Sandra; Raposo, Pedro; Speretta, Elena; Tyagi, Nidhi; Warner, Kate; Zaru, Rossana; Diehl, Alexander D; Lee, Raymond; Chan, Juancarlos; Diamantakis, Stavros; Raciti, Daniela; Zarowiecki, Magdalena; Fisher, Malcolm; James-Zorn, Christina; Ponferrada, Virgilio; Zorn, Aaron; Ramachandran, Sridhar; Ruzicka, Leyla; Westerfield, Monte

Genetics. 2023 May 04; 224(1):

Rothfels, Karen; Milacic, Marija; Matthews, Lisa; Haw, Robin; Sevilla, Cristoffer; Gillespie, Marc; Stephan, Ralf; Gong, Chuqiao; Ragueneau, Eliot; May, Bruce; Shamovsky, Veronica; Wright, Adam; Weiser, Joel; Beavers, Deidre; Conley, Patrick; Tiwari, Krishna; Jassal, Bijay; Griss, Johannes; Senff-Ribeiro, Andrea; Brunson, Timothy; Petryszak, Robert; Hermjakob, Henning; D'Eustachio, Peter; Wu, Guanming; Stein, Lincoln

Current protocols. 2023 Apr; 3(4):e722