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Yinan Lan

Yinan Lan, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Clinical Director, Street Health Outreach and Wellness/Primary Care Safety Net Clinic, Bellevue Hos

Medical Director, Homeless Health NYC H+H

MD from Boston University

Residency, Tufts Medical Center, Internal Medicine



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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.
Zhang, Yang; Cai, Xiaobing; Shen, Lifeng; Huang, Xiaowen; Wang, Xuping; Lan, Yinan; Shou, Dan

Molecules : a journal of synthetic chemistry & natural product chemistry. 2016 Sep 26; 21(10):