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James L. Salzer

James L. Salzer

Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology

Professor, Department of Neurology

channels and transporters, molecular, cellular & translational neuroscience, stem cell biology, cell-cell interactions during neural development

Our laboratory investigates the interactions between axons and glial cells that drive assembly of myelinated fibers.  Disruption of these interactions contributes to neurological disorders including multiple sclerosis.  Our goal is to elucidate the biology of these interactions in order to ameliorate demyelination and promote repair in myelin disorders. 

Current studies are focused on several broadly related questions.  First, how do axons drive glial cell differentiation and myelination?  We are characterizing how threshold levels of neuregulin on the axon trigger Schwann cell myelination and determine the number of myelin wraps these glial cells make around axons.

Second, how do myelinating glial cells reciprocally drive the reorganization of axons into electrogenic domains that are essential for proper conduction of action potentials? We are examining the assembly of the axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier, sites of action potential initiation and regeneration, respectively. We are characterizing the cell biology of how these domains form and are investigating activity-dependent plasticity of the AIS, which mediates homeostatic plasticity.

Finally, we are using genetic fate mapping strategies to examine the contributions of adult neural stems to the repair/remyelination of demyelinated axons in the adult CNS. We are particularly interested in the role of the Sonic hedgehog pathway in regulating stem cell repair and interactions of stem cells with microglia during demyelination/remyelination.   





Academic office

Science Building, 435 East 30th Street

11th Floor, Room 1117

New York, NY 10016

Lab Website
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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.
Salzer, James; Feltri, M Laura; Jacob, Claire

Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. 2024 Sep 03; 16(9):

Bekku, Yoko; Zotter, Brendan; You, Changjiang; Piehler, Jacob; Leonard, Warren J; Salzer, James L

Developmental cell. 2024 Mar 11; 59(5):627-644.e10

Moyon, Sarah; Holloman, Mara; Salzer, James L.

Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. 2023 Jan 26; 17:?-?

Zotter, Brendan; Dagan, Or; Brady, Jacob; Baloui, Hasna; Samanta, Jayshree; Salzer, James L

Journal of neuroscience. 2022 Jan 12; 42(2):183-201

Samanta, Jayshree; Silva, Hernandez Moura; Lafaille, Juan J; Salzer, James L

Scientific data. 2021 Oct 28; 8(1):278

Marzan, Dave E; Brügger-Verdon, Valérie; West, Brian L; Liddelow, Shane; Samanta, Jayshree; Salzer, James L

Glia. 2021 Jun; 69(6):1583-1604

Radecki, Daniel Z; Messling, Heather M; Haggerty-Skeans, James R; Bhamidipati, Sai Krishna; Clawson, Elizabeth D; Overman, Christian A; Thatcher, Madison M; Salzer, James L; Samanta, Jayshree

Stem cell reports. 2020 Nov 10; 15(5):1047-1055