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Aristotelis Tsirigos

Aristotelis Tsirigos, PhD

Professor, Department of Medicine

Professor, Department of Pathology

computational biology, genomics, Hi-C data analysis, pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, cancer, bioinformatics, molecular pathology

Our lab has extensive experience in Cancer Genomics and Epigenomics involving designing computational methods and pipelines, analyzing data and interpreting the results in different biological contexts (e.g. leukemia, stem cells). We have developed GenomicTools, a free open-source computational platform for designing high-throughput analytics in genomics (Tsirigos et al. Bioinformatics 2011), and HiC-bench, a computational platform for comprehensive and reproducible Hi-C data analysis designed for parameter exploration and benchmarking. Our work was pivotal in the molecular understanding of epigenetic changes in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ntziachristos*, Tsirigos* et al. Nature Medicine 2012; Ntziachristos*, Tsirigos* et al. Nature 2014) as well as the discovery of novel long non-coding RNAs as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets (Trimarchi et al. Cell 2014).

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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
*Due to PubMed processing times, the most recent publications may not be reflected in the timeline.

Co- Director, Division of Precision Medicine

Director, Applied Bioinformatics Laboratories

Director, Clinical Informatics, Molecular Pathology Lab

PhD from New York University

Karz, Alcida; Coudray, Nicolas; Bayraktar, Erol; Galbraith, Kristyn; Jour, George; Shadaloey, Arman Alberto Sorin; Eskow, Nicole; Rubanov, Andrey; Navarro, Maya; Moubarak, Rana; Baptiste, Gillian; Levinson, Grace; Mezzano, Valeria; Alu, Mark; Loomis, Cynthia; Lima, Daniel; Rubens, Adam; Jilaveanu, Lucia; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Hernando, Eva

Pigment cell & melanoma research. 2024 Sep 10;

Tsay, Jun-Chieh J; Darawshy, Fares; Wang, Chan; Kwok, Benjamin; Wong, Kendrew K; Wu, Benjamin G; Sulaiman, Imran; Zhou, Hua; Isaacs, Bradley; Kugler, Matthias C; Sanchez, Elizabeth; Bain, Alexander; Li, Yonghua; Schluger, Rosemary; Lukovnikova, Alena; Collazo, Destiny; Kyeremateng, Yaa; Pillai, Ray; Chang, Miao; Li, Qingsheng; Vanguri, Rami S; Becker, Anton S; Moore, William H; Thurston, George; Gordon, Terry; Moreira, Andre L; Goparaju, Chandra M; Sterman, Daniel H; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Li, Huilin; Segal, Leopoldo N; Pass, Harvey I

Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention. 2024 Sep 03;

Hockemeyer, Kathryn; Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Chen, Xufeng; Ivashkiv, Olha; Sirenko, Maria; Zhou, Hua; Gambi, Giovanni; Battistello, Elena; Avrampou, Kleopatra; Sun, Zhengxi; Guillamot, Maria; Chiriboga, Luis; Jour, George; Dolgalev, Igor; Corrigan, Kate; Bhatt, Kamala; Osman, Iman; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Kourtis, Nikos; Aifantis, Iannis

Nature cell biology. 2024 Sep 02;

Narang, Sonali; Ghebrechristos, Yohana; Evensen, Nikki A; Murrell, Nina; Jasinski, Sylwia; Ostrow, Talia H; Teachey, David T; Raetz, Elizabeth A; Lionnet, Timothee; Witkowski, Matthew; Aifantis, Iannis; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Carroll, William L

Nature communications. 2024 Aug 28; 15(1):7425

Ortabozkoyun, Havva; Huang, Pin-Yao; Gonzalez-Buendia, Edgar; Cho, Hyein; Kim, Sang Y; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Mazzoni, Esteban O; Reinberg, Danny

Molecular cell. 2024 Aug 19;

Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Do, Catherine; Jiang, Guimei; Cova, Giulia; Meyn, Peter; Dimartino, Dacia; Ramaswami, Sitharam; Heguy, Adriana; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Skok, Jane A

Nature communications. 2024 Jul 17; 15(1):6027

Subudhi, Ipsita; Konieczny, Piotr; Prystupa, Aleksandr; Castillo, Rochelle L; Sze-Tu, Erica; Xing, Yue; Rosenblum, Daniel; Reznikov, Ilana; Sidhu, Ikjot; Loomis, Cynthia; Lu, Catherine P; Anandasabapathy, Niroshana; Suárez-Fariñas, Mayte; Gudjonsson, Johann E; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Scher, Jose U; Naik, Shruti

Immunity. 2024 Jul 09; 57(7):1665-1680.e7

Claudio Quiros, Adalberto; Coudray, Nicolas; Yeaton, Anna; Yang, Xinyu; Liu, Bojing; Le, Hortense; Chiriboga, Luis; Karimkhan, Afreen; Narula, Navneet; Moore, David A; Park, Christopher Y; Pass, Harvey; Moreira, Andre L; Le Quesne, John; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Yuan, Ke

Nature communications. 2024 Jun 11; 15(1):4596