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Chau Trinh-Shevrin, DrPH

Professor, Department of Population Health

Professor, Department of Medicine

Chau Trinh-Shevrin

Chau Trinh-Shevrin, DrPH, is a professor in the Departments of Medicine and Population Health, where she is director of the Division of Health and Behavior as well as Vice Chair for Research. For over 25 years, her research has focused on the rigorous development and evaluation of multi-level strategies to reduce health disparities and advance health equity.

Dr. Trinh-Shevrin is mPI of the NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (CSAAH), a National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)‒funded Specialized Center of Excellence; an NIH NIEHS-funded NYU Collaborative Center in Children’s Environmental Health Research and Translation; and an NIH NIA R24 Engagement in Longevity and Medicine (ELM) Research Collaborative. Dr. Trinh-Shevrin also led a CDC Prevention Research Center for over a decade and currently leads a CDC Cancer Prevention Research Network Center.

Building on her expertise in community-based participatory research (CBPR) and longstanding relationships with national and local community partners, she is MPI of an NIH Community Engagement Alliance to End COVID-19 Disparities and associate director of Community Outreach and Engagement for NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Dr. Trinh-Shevrin is dedicated to mentoring junior faculty and students in minority and health disparities research. She is involved in several NIH-funded research training and education programs and leads an NIA Academic Leadership Award to support mentored research opportunities in healthy aging and Alzheimer’s Disease health disparities research. Dr. Trinh-Shevrin is a member of the NIH Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities.

Dr. Trinh-Shevrin earned her doctorate in public health from Columbia University and a master’s in health policy and management from the State University of New York at Albany. She has co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed publications and is co-editor of three textbooks, Applied Population Health Approaches for Asian American Communities (Wiley Sciences, 2022), Asian American Communities and Health (Jossey-Bass, 2009), and Empowerment and Recovery: Confronting Addiction during Pregnancy with Peer Counseling (Praeger Press, 1998).



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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
represents one publication
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Director, Division of Health and Behavior Departm

Vice Chair, Research, Department of Population Health

DrPH from Columbia University

Nagpal, Neha; McCready, Taylor M; Xia, Yuhe; Lin, Kevin; Glenn, Matthew; Ng, Sandy; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Troxel, Andrea B; Kwon, Simona C; Liang, Peter S

Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 2024 Oct 01; 58(9):875-881

Duncan, Dustin T; Park, Su Hyun; Dharma, Christoffer; Torrats-Espinosa, Gerard; Contreras, Jessica; Scheinmann, Roberta; Watson, Kim; Herrera, Cristina; Schneider, John A; Khan, Maria; Lim, Sahnah; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Radix, Asa

Journal of urban health. 2024 Jun; 101(3):557-570

Chebli, Perla; Đoàn, Lan N; Thompson, Rachel L; Chin, Matthew; Sabounchi, Nasim; Foster, Victoria; Huang, Terry T K; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Kwon, Simona C; Yi, Stella S

Cancer causes & control. ccc. 2024 May; 35(5):873-874

Liang, Peter S; Dubner, Rachel; Xia, Yuhe; Glenn, Matthew; Lin, Kevin; Nagpal, Neha; Ng, Sandy; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Troxel, Andrea B; Kwon, Simona C

Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 2024 Mar 01; 58(3):259-270

Larson, Rita; Hussain, Sarah; Chau, Michelle M; Jones, Andrew; Vangeepuram, Nita; Madden, Devin; Berhane, Timnit; Shuman, Saskia; Islam, Nadia; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau

American journal of public health. AJPH. 2024 Jan; 114(S1):S92-S95

Chebli, Perla; Đoàn, Lan N; Thompson, Rachel L; Chin, Matthew; Sabounchi, Nasim; Foster, Victoria; Huang, Terry T K; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Kwon, Simona C; Yi, Stella S

Cancer causes & control. ccc. 2023 Dec; 34(12):1043-1058

Godbole, Nisha; Kwon, Simona C; Beasley, Jeannette M; Roberts, Timothy; Kranick, Julie; Smilowitz, Jessica; Park, Agnes; Sherman, Scott E; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Chodosh, Joshua

Gerontologist. 2023 Jul 18; 63(6):1067-1077

Wyatt, Laura C; Katigbak, Carina; Riley, Lindsey; Zanowiak, Jennifer M; Ursua, Rhodora; Kwon, Simona C; Trinh-Shevrin, Chau; Islam, Nadia S

Journal of immigrant & minority health. 2023 Apr; 25(2):291-305