About the NYU-CUNY Prevention Research Center
The mission of the NYU-CUNY Prevention Research Center (NYU-CUNY PRC), a partnership between NYU Langone and the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, is to advance the study of innovative combinations of community- and clinic-based interventions for improved linkage to preventive care and chronic disease prevention and management. Learn more about the NYU-CUNY PRC's approach and methodology to increasing access to care and addressing health disparities.
Key Goals of the NYU-CUNY PRC
Our work strives to achieve four overall goals:
- expand and sustain a prevention science research infrastructure to advance applied public health research and accelerate translation of research into practice
- engage partners to translate research findings into practice
- disseminate and communicate research findings and translation products to multiple audiences through traditional and innovative formats
- provide training, technical assistance, and subject matter expertise to our local stakeholders and colleagues across the NYU-CUNY PRC network to help translate applied public health research to improve population health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Research Center Program
The Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) are a network of 26 academic research centers in the United States that study how people and their communities can avoid or counter the risks for chronic illnesses. Through rigorous research, each center conducts at least one main project with an underserved population that has high rates of disease and disability. Projects are conducted with community partners who are engaged throughout the research effort. The centers also work with partners on Special Interest Projects (SIPs). These projects focus on a topic of interest or a gap in scientific evidence. SIP funding is competitively awarded to schools of public health or schools of medicine associated with the PRC network. Additionally, groups of PRCs work together as thematic networks and focus on specific health topics.
This content is a product of a Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center supported by Cooperative Agreement Number U48 DP006396 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The findings and conclusions on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the CDC.
Connect With Us
For more information about the NYU-CUNY Prevention Research Center, please email us at nyu.cuny.prc@nyulangone.org. Follow us on our Facebook and LinkedIn channels.