Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Program Publications | NYU Langone Health

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Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Program Research Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Program Publications

Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Program Publications

Investigators in the Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Program at NYU Langone frequently publish the results of their research in leading peer-reviewed journals. Read more to learn about their latest advances.

SARS-CoV-2 infection predisposes patients to coinfection with Staphylococcus aureus

Lubkin, Ashira; Bernard-Raichon, Lucie; DuMont, Ashley L; Valero Jimenez, Ana Mayela; Putzel, Gregory G; Gago, Juan; Zwack, Erin E; Olusanya, Olufolakemi; Boguslawski, Kristina M; Dallari, Simone; Dyzenhaus, Sophie; Herrmann, Christin; Ilmain, Juliana K; Isom, Georgia L; Pawline, Miranda; Perault, Andrew I; Perelman, Sofya; Sause, William E; Shahi, Ifrah; St John, Amelia; Tierce, Rebecca; Zheng, Xuhui; Zhou, Chunyi; Noval, Maria G; O'Keeffe, Anna; Podkowik, Magda; Gonzales, Sandra; Inglima, Kenneth; Desvignes, Ludovic; Hochman, Sarah E; Stapleford, Kenneth A; Thorpe, Lorna E; Pironti, Alejandro; Shopsin, Bo; Cadwell, Ken; Dittmann, Meike; Torres, Victor J

mBio. 2024 Aug 14; 15:e0166724

Dietary and water restriction leads to increased susceptibility to antimicrobial resistant pathogens

Lacey, Keenan A; Pickrum, Adam M; Gonzalez, Sandra; Bartnicki, Eric; Castellaw, Ashley H; Rodrick, Tori C; Jones, Drew R; Khanna, Kamal M; Torres, Victor J

Science advances. 2024 Jul 26; 10:eadi7438

Proton-coupled transport mechanism of the efflux pump NorA

Li, Jianping; Li, Yan; Koide, Akiko; Kuang, Huihui; Torres, Victor J; Koide, Shohei; Wang, Da-Neng; Traaseth, Nathaniel J

Nature communications. 2024 May 27; 15:4494

Staphylococcus aureus senses human neutrophils via PerR to coordinate the expression of the toxin LukAB

Savin, Avital; Anderson, Exene E; Dyzenhaus, Sophie; Podkowik, Magdalena; Shopsin, Bo; Pironti, Alejandro; Torres, Victor J

Infection & immunity. 2024 Feb 13; 92:e0052623

Transcription-replication interactions reveal bacterial genome regulation

Pountain, Andrew W; Jiang, Peien; Yao, Tianyou; Homaee, Ehsan; Guan, Yichao; McDonald, Kevin J C; Podkowik, Magdalena; Shopsin, Bo; Torres, Victor J; Golding, Ido; Yanai, Itai

Nature. 2024 Feb ; 626:661-669

Impact of oral vancomycin treatment duration on rate of Clostridioides difficile recurrence in patients requiring concurrent systemic antibiotics

Kwiatkowski, Diana; Marsh, Kassandra; Katz, Alyson; Papadopoulos, John; So, Jonathan; Major, Vincent J; Sommer, Philip M; Hochman, Sarah; Dubrovskaya, Yanina; Arnouk, Serena

Infection control & hospital epidemiology. 2024 Jan 30; 1-9

Transcription"“replication interactions reveal bacterial genome regulation

Pountain, Andrew W.; Jiang, Peien; Yao, Tianyou; Homaee, Ehsan; Guan, Yichao; McDonald, Kevin J.C.; Podkowik, Magdalena; Shopsin, Bo; Torres, Victor J.; Golding, Ido; Yanai, Itai

Nature. 2024 Jan 01; ?-?

TLR4 sensing of IsdB of Staphylococcus aureus induces a proinflammatory cytokine response via the NLRP3-caspase-1 inflammasome cascade

Gonzalez, Juan José Izquierdo; Hossain, Md Faruq; Neef, Jolanda; Zwack, Erin E; Tsai, Chih-Ming; Raafat, Dina; Fechtner, Kevin; Herzog, Luise; Kohler, Thomas P; Schlüter, Rabea; Reder, Alexander; Holtfreter, Silva; Liu, George Y; Hammerschmidt, Sven; Völker, Uwe; Torres, Victor J; van Dijl, Jan Maarten; Lillig, Christopher H; Bröker, Barbara M; Darisipudi, Murty N

MBio. 2023 Dec 19; e0022523