Parekh Center for Interdisciplinary Neurology Publications | NYU Langone Health

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Parekh Center for Interdisciplinary Neurology Parekh Center for Interdisciplinary Neurology Publications

Parekh Center for Interdisciplinary Neurology Publications

Members of NYU Langone’s Parekh Center for Interdisciplinary Neurology regularly publish scientific articles in scholarly journals on their research findings.

Testing the Validity and Reliability of a Standardized Virtual Examination for Concussion

Jack, Alani I; Digney, Helena T; Bell, Carter A; Grossman, Scott N; McPherson, Jacob I; Saleem, Ghazala T; Haider, Mohammad N; Leddy, John J; Willer, Barry S; Balcer, Laura J; Galetta, Steven L; Busis, Neil A; Torres, Daniel M

Neurology. Clinical practice. 2024 Oct ; 14:e200328

Distinct plasma lipids predict axonal injury and multiple sclerosis activity

Schoeps, Vinicius A; Bhargava, Pavan; Virupakshaiah, Akash; Ladakis, Dimitrios Christos; Moseley, Carson; Chong, Janet; Aaen, Gregory; Graves, Jennifer S; Benson, Leslie; Gorman, Mark P; Rensel, Mary; Abrams, Aaron; Mar, Soe; Lotze, Timothy E; Chitnis, Tanuja; Waldman, Amy; Krupp, Lauren; Rodriguez, Moses; Tillema, Jan-Mendelt; Rose, John; Schreiner, Teri; Qureshi, Ferhan; Peterson, Skyler; Barcellos, Lisa F; Casper, T Charles; Newman, John; Borkowski, Kamil; Waubant, Emmanuelle; ,

Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2024 Sep 12;

ELP1, the Gene Mutated in Familial Dysautonomia, Is Required for Normal Enteric Nervous System Development and Maintenance and for Gut Epithelium Homeostasis

Chaverra, Marta; Cheney, Alexandra M; Scheel, Alpha; Miller, Alessa; George, Lynn; Schultz, Anastasia; Henningsen, Katelyn; Kominsky, Douglas; Walk, Heather; Kennedy, William R; Kaufmann, Horacio; Walk, Seth; Copié, Valérie; Lefcort, Frances

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2024 Sep 11; 44:

The primacy model and the structure of olfactory space

Giaffar, Hamza; Shuvaev, Sergey; Rinberg, Dmitry; Koulakov, Alexei A

PLoS computational biology. 2024 Sep 10; 20:e1012379

The impact of COVID-19 on people with epilepsy: Global results from the coronavirus and epilepsy study

Vasey, Michael J; Tai, Xin You; Thorpe, Jennifer; Jones, Gabriel Davis; Ashby, Samantha; Hallab, Asma; Ding, Ding; Andraus, Maria; Dugan, Patricia; Perucca, Piero; Costello, Daniel J; French, Jacqueline A; O'Brien, Terence J; Depondt, Chantal; Andrade, Danielle M; Sengupta, Robin; Datta, Ashis; Delanty, Norman; Jette, Nathalie; Newton, Charles R; Brodie, Martin J; Devinsky, Orrin; Cross, J Helen; Sander, Josemir W; Hanna, Jane; Besag, Frank M C; Sen, Arjune; ,

Epilepsia open. 2024 Sep 03;

Memory representations during slow change blindness

Frey, Haley G; Koenig, Lua; Block, Ned; He, Biyu J; Brascamp, Jan W

Journal of vision. 2024 Sep 03; 24:8

Neuronal and glial cell alterations involved in the retinal degeneration of the familial dysautonomia optic neuropathy

Schultz, Anastasia; Albertos-Arranz, Henar; Sáez, Xavier Sánchez; Morgan, Jamie; Darland, Diane C; Gonzalez-Duarte, Alejandra; Kaufmann, Horacio; Mendoza-Santiesteban, Carlos E; Cuenca, Nicolás; Lefcort, Frances

Glia. 2024 Sep 03;

Blockade of IL1β and PD1 with Combination Chemotherapy Reduces Systemic Myeloid Suppression in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer with Heterogeneous Effects in the Tumor

Oberstein, Paul E; Dias Costa, Andressa; Kawaler, Emily A; Cardot-Ruffino, Victoire; Rahma, Osama E; Beri, Nina; Singh, Harshabad; Abrams, Thomas A; Biller, Leah H; Cleary, James M; Enzinger, Peter; Huffman, Brandon M; McCleary, Nadine J; Perez, Kimberly J; Rubinson, Douglas A; Schlechter, Benjamin L; Surana, Rishi; Yurgelun, Matthew B; Wang, S Jennifer; Remland, Joshua; Brais, Lauren K; Bollenrucher, Naima; Chang, Eugena; Ali, Lestat R; Lenehan, Patrick J; Dolgalev, Igor; Werba, Gregor; Lima, Cibelle; Keheler, C Elizabeth; Sullivan, Keri M; Dougan, Michael; Hajdu, Cristina; Dajee, Maya; Pelletier, Marc R; Nazeer, Saloney; Squires, Matthew; Bar-Sagi, Dafna; Wolpin, Brian M; Nowak, Jonathan A; Simeone, Diane M; Dougan, Stephanie K

Cancer immunology research. 2024 Sep 03; 12:1221-1235