Translational Immunology Center Research Resources | NYU Langone Health

Translational Immunology Center Research Translational Immunology Center Research Resources

Translational Immunology Center Research Resources

The Translational Immunology Center provides investigators at NYU Langone with immunology-specific research resources and supports training opportunities. Researchers interested in accessing our research resources may submit a request using the links in the respective sections below.

Investigators requesting resources must agree to all conditions specified in the resource allocation agreement, including the following:

  • Resources must be used only by the requesting lab for the specific project the resources are requested for. Other investigators should place a separate request.
  • Any manuscripts, conference abstracts, or grant proposals resulting from the use of resources should be reported to Silvia Curado, PhD, program director, at

Translational Immunology Center Reagents

Investigators can request access to reagents for pilot application of high-dimensional immune analysis techniques such as immune profiling of tissues using mouse or human immunochemistry CODEX panels that were pre-validated by the Translational Immunology Center.

Any NYU Langone researcher can request access to our reagents using our online reagent request form by providing their contact information, project information, and resources needed.

Translational Immunology Center Computational Support for Immunology Research

One of the main goals of the Translational Immunology Center is to support the computational research needs of NYU Langone immunology researchers. Our computational team led by Igor Dolgalev, PhD, and including Eduardo Esteva, MSc, and Ai Ra, MSc, has combined expertise and experience in key immunology computational methods including single-cell analysis (such as scRNA-Seq, scATAC-Seq, and flow and mass cytometry) and spatial analysis (such as spatial transcriptomics and high-parameter immunochemistry), and is able to facilitate a broad range of projects related to immunology.

NYU Langone investigators can request computational support for projects that would benefit from this team’s expertise and help advance their lab’s research program, as well as contribute to the needs of our community.

Preference will be given to projects that meet the following criteria:

  • explicitly focused on immunology (basic or translational)
  • require the development of new computational approaches or the customization of existing ones
  • can be broadly utilized by the research community and/or support new collaborations between NYU Langone groups
  • have a meaningful impact on the research program of the requesting lab, including long-term projects, publications, and grant applications

Please submit your proposal using our online computational support request form and include the information below:

  • your information and specific request
    • principal investigator’s name, affiliation, and contact info
    • project title
    • estimated time frame and requested effort per week
  • project description addressing the following points (max one page):
    • brief background and specific goal
    • scope and nature of the requested computational support, including the type of analysis, standard or custom pipeline, and extent of new method development
    • milestones and deliverables
  • additional information (optional)
    • relevance to other projects in the applicant’s lab
    • utility for immunology research community beyond the lab
    • potential for collaborations within or beyond NYU Langone (if so, specify collaborators)
    • potential contribution to publications or grant applications

Translational Immunology Center Immunology Resources Group

NYU Langone immunology investigators are encouraged to join the Translational Immunology Center Immunology Resources Group. As member of this group, investigators will be able to reach out to other immunology researchers at the institution to ask for specific immunology-related reagents, animal models, equipment, or immunology-related advice.

Please note that this is a NYU Langone community group that is separate from the NYU Langone immunology distribution list described below, and it is not moderated.

To join the Translational Immunology Center Immunology Resources Group, please fill out a brief online form.

NYU Langone Immunology Distribution List

Immunology investigators at NYU Langone are also encouraged to join the NYU Langone immunology distribution list. As a member of this list, investigators will receive invitations to attend immunology research-related events, such as seminars and symposia, as well as other relevant notifications.

To join the NYU Langone immunology distribution list, please fill out a brief online form.