Nolan Lab Software
As part of our work in pulmonary and environmental medicine, the Nolan Lab develops custom software packages to accomplish research goals. We make these software packages available here at no cost for non-commercial research use.
Interactive Metabolic Risk Modeler
The Interactive Metabolic Risk Modeler is an interactive shiny app for risk modeling that allows the user to visualize risk of lung disease as a function of metabolic health. To view license, copyright, and reference information for this app, view its source code.
This app supports the following publication:
Kwon S ... Nolan A. Dynamic metabolic risk profiling of World Trade Center-lung disease: A longitudinal cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021. DOI.
Measure Mean Linear Intercept
The Measure MLI plugin for ImageJ v1.52 is designed to measure mean linear intercept (MLI) by serial measurement of a test line overlaying an image. Our method has been validated using simulated data and used in several of our publications to assess pulmonary mean linear intercept. Our method could also be used for a variety of other applications, including the measurement of grain size in geological settings.
The zip file contains the plugin, a readme with instructions, and a non-commercial research use license. If you use this resource, cite the following source:
Crowley G … Nolan A. Quantitative lung morphology: Semi-automated measurement of mean linear intercept. Pulmonary Medicine. November 2019. DOI.
We have used this method in the following publication:
Caraher EJ … Nolan, A. Receptor for advanced glycation end-products and World Trade Center particulate induced lung function loss: A case-cohort study and murine model of acute particulate exposure. PLOS One. 2017. DOI.
Cell Tracker
The Cell Tracker is an interactive shiny app for cell culture that allows the user to calculate cell counts, visualize colony growth over time for multiple lineages, and export data. To view license, copyright, and reference information for this app, view its source code.
Spirometry Calculator
The Spirometry Calculator calculates predicted spirometry based on NHANES III criteria. To view license, copyright, and reference information for this file, view its source code.
Machine Learning Biomarker Identification
Access the source code and numerical data underlying graphs for the following paper:
Crowley … Nolan, A. PEDF, a pleiotropic WTC-LI biomarker: Machine learning biomarker identification and validation. PLOS Comp Bio. 2021. DOI.