Rodent Behavior Laboratory Services | NYU Langone Health

Rodent Behavior Laboratory Rodent Behavior Laboratory Services

Rodent Behavior Laboratory Services

NYU Langone’s Rodent Behavior Laboratory provides investigators within and outside our research community with a wide range of services at affordable rates. Our lab provides technologies to help you study rodent behavior in multiple domains. These include the following services:

  • general health: for example, testing in home or novel cage environments, physical examination
  • sensory function: for example, behavioral detection and discrimination assays related to hearing, vision, olfaction, taste, and pain
  • motor function: for example, tests of muscular strength and resistance, motor coordination, or ataxia; activity analysis; gait analysis; motor stereotypies; sensorimotor gating
  • affect and motivation: for example, hedonic choice, response vigor, or effort
  • anxiety-like behaviors: for example, avoidance, conflict, adjunctive behaviors
  • impulsive/compulsive behaviors: for example, response inhibition, reversal learning, delay discounting, repetitive behaviors
  • social behaviors: for example, sociability, social aggression, parental behavior, social play, sexual behavior, social/maternal communication
  • learning and memory: for example, spatial working memory, reference memory, novelty preference and recognition memory, fear memory, episodic-like memory
  • higher cognitive function: for example, selective, sustained, or divided attention; complex decision-making

Whether you need access to our modern laboratory, guidance through various steps of your experiment, or full-service behavioral phenotyping, our staff is equipped to optimize your results. We offer rental of specialized equipment and facilities for self-service use and provide education, training, and research assistance, including experiment design, data analysis, and data interpretation.

For full-service requests, our staff scientists perform complete research studies according to your specifications. We can also assist with research and development by writing collaborative grants, developing novel quantitative tools, and validating results.