Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Conferences & Events | NYU Langone Health

Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Education Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Conferences & Events

Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Conferences & Events

As part of our commitment to education, NYU Langone’s Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine offers a variety of conferences and events.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Clinical Conferences

The Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship offers several clinical conferences. All conferences are accessible to all fellows via Webex.

Introductory Core Curriculum

In July and August, we offer first-year fellows two weeks of instruction in a core curriculum that includes extensive workshops on simulation, bronchoscopy, and airway management. This is followed by an extensive series of core lectures on basic principles of pulmonary and critical care medicine during the first and second years as a trainee.

Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds

Our weekly grand rounds at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue are oriented toward advances in basic and clinical research in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. This is an opportunity to integrate basic science research into the program and gives fellows the opportunity to meet potential research preceptors.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Clinical Conference

Our division holds a weekly clinical conference at Bellevue during which fellows present an illustrative clinical case and a literature review on the topic. The clinical conference rotates among fellows from the Bellevue Chest Service, Bellevue consult service, Bellevue medical intensive care unit (MICU), the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System pulmonary and critical care services, and NYU Langone’s Tisch Hospital MICU and critical care unit and pulmonary service.

Intensive Care Unit Physiology Conference

First-year fellows attend and present at weekly physiology conferences in Bellevue. These conferences focus on respiratory and cardiac physiology relevant to critical care. Conferences begin with a discussion of an ICU patient.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Journal Club

Fellows and faculty attend journal club in which they identify and review two articles. Scientific writing, clinical trial techniques, and new innovations in disease management are topics of discussion. Journal club occurs once a month with alternating attendance by first-year and third-year fellows.

Morbidity and Mortality Conference

A morbidity and mortality (M&M) conference, offered every two months, reviews case management and adopts lessons from clinical errors. Fellows on rotations from each hospital are expected to submit at least one case for each M&M conference.

Pulmonary Pathology Conference

Attending physicians in NYU Langone’s Department of Pathology oversee monthly pulmonary pathology conferences at Bellevue, the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, and Tisch Hospital. During these meetings, fellows learn about special stains and genetic processing and review all pathology and cytology specimens from procedures performed by fellows. The pathology and clinical findings discussed at these conferences inform management decisions.

Chest Radiology Conference

NYU Langone’s Department of Radiology holds a weekly chest radiology conference at Bellevue. At this conference, attendees learn about the basics of chest X-ray and chest CT scan interpretation, as well as differential diagnoses and advanced imaging techniques.

Simulation Workshop Conference

Our training program includes many simulation workshops and exercises to teach and test procedures and clinical competency. An attending and third-year simulation fellow supervise this monthly conference. Content follows the critical care curriculum block and includes topics such as shock, airway management, respiratory failure, and toxicology. A high-fidelity patient simulator helps trainees learn about multiple topics, especially high-risk, low-frequency events such as difficult airway management.

Pulmonary Mini-Symposium

Once every two months, experts present on core topics in pulmonology such as lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, and asthma for fellows and faculty.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Specialty Conferences

The Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship also offers conferences focusing on specialty care.

Ultrasound Course and Conference

During the first year of fellowship training, we offer a three-day ultrasound course with fellows from other area hospitals. This course covers the fundamentals of critical care ultrasound and includes training in vascular access, thoracic ultrasound, and focused echocardiography.

A once monthly ultrasound conference, held in Bellevue, presents fellows with interesting and difficult ultrasound clips and cases, with a focus on image acquisition and interpretation.

Critical Care Conference

A twice monthly critical care conference held at Tisch Hospital presents fellows with interesting and difficult cases encountered in the ICU, with a focus on system focused management.

Thoracic Oncology Conference

These twice weekly interdisciplinary conferences include insights on thoracic surgery or oncology cases from pulmonologists, surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists from Bellevue and Tisch Hospital. Faculty and fellows from pulmonology, cardiothoracic surgery, medical oncology, radiology, and radiation oncology attend.

Advanced Lung Disease Conference

A weekly multidisciplinary, case-based conference includes pulmonary, radiology, lung transplant, and pathology faculty, as well as pulmonary fellows. We discuss diagnostic criteria, evaluations, and management for specific cases.

Tuberculosis Conference and Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Conferences

A weekly conference held at Bellevue involves discussion of the diagnosis and management of complex tuberculosis cases in the Bellevue chest clinic or in patient chest service. In addition, a bimonthly nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) conference held at Bellevue addresses difficult to manage cases of NTM.

Asthma Clinic Conference

We hold a short weekly didactic session at Bellevue to review basics in asthma diagnosis and management and current publications before each Asthma Clinic session.

World Trade Center Environmental Health Center Clinical Conference

A weekly conference addresses case management of World Trade Center–related cases and includes a monthly medical and mental health interdisciplinary case review. In addition, we review the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Case Studies in Environmental Medicine.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Research Conferences

Our division’s pulmonary and critical care medicine didactic research conferences provide fellows with a solid foundation in basic, translational, and clinical research.

Research Retreat

First-year fellows attend a full-day retreat where they learn about areas of research within our division. Different investigators within the division and third-year fellows working on their research projects provide an informal introduction to departmental research. During January and February, first-year fellows also have two dedicated days of research workshops as a group with many members of our research faculty.

Seminar Series

Our seminar series addresses topics such as advanced research techniques, including clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), methods used in clinical and epidemiological studies, and reviews of immunology and cancer biology. The seminars are interactive and draw upon key research publications.

Weekly Research Conference

This weekly meeting is the mainstay of fellows’ research experience. In their second year, they learn formal presentation skills and how to communicate scientific concepts. Fellows present throughout the year, starting with the scientific plan and experimental approach for their proposed study. In their third year, they progress to data presentation as their research develops. The scientific plan, data, and presentation are critiqued by peers and faculty with advice provided for ongoing research. Toward the end of the year, fellows create and receive feedback on formal presentations for national meetings.

Basics of Biostatistics Course

Faculty and doctoral trainees from NYU Langone’s Department of Population Health, under the auspices of the World Trade Center Environmental Health Program, provide a biweekly 30-minute course on the basics of biostatistics. The course is open to all fellows.

Clinical and Translational Science Institute Research Skills Courses

NYU Langone’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) presents an annual spring course on research skills that is open to all pulmonary fellows. The CTSI also offers a translational medicine course on clinical research emphasizing epidemiology and biostatistics.

Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Lecture Series

NYU Langone’s Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences offers a lecture series on research ethics.

National Meetings

Our division strongly encourages fellows to present their translational and clinical research findings at national meetings throughout their training. These meetings include the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) the American Thoracic Society (ATS), Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD).

Sleep Medicine Clinical and Research Conferences

Our division’s sleep medicine clinical and research conferences include a twice-weekly formal didactic conference; a monthly respiratory failure conference that includes a case presentation and polysomnography interpretation of an inpatient on the Bellevue respiratory failure services; clinical case presentations; and journal club.