Berger Lab Studies | NYU Langone Health

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Berger Lab Research Berger Lab Studies

Berger Lab Studies

A major goal of the Berger Lab is to use ex vivo and in vitro techniques to investigate the genetics of platelet activity and the mechanism of how platelets contribute to atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Platelet Activity in Vascular Surgery and Cardiovascular Events (PACE)

This study will measure platelet activity and the platelet transcriptome in patients with peripheral artery disease prior to and following lower extremity revascularization. The major goal is this study is to identify a clinically useful assessment of platelet activity for risk stratification that may be used as a diagnostic tool and a target for therapeutic intervention among patients with peripheral artery disease.
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Berger

Platelet Activity and Vascular Health in System Lupus Erythematosus

The goal of this study is to investigate platelet activity and the platelet transcriptome in and its relationship with in vitro and in vivo measurements of vascular health across the clinical spectrum of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Principal Investigators: Jeffrey Berger & Jill Buyon

Women's Heart Attack Research Program: Platelet Activity (HARP)

The HARP study will investigate platelet activity, platelet RNA and platelet signaling in women with myocardial infarction with and without obstructive coronary artery disease.
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Berger

Platelet Activity and Thrombosis Registry (ThoR)

This registry will measure platelet activity and collect a broad array of specimens for a biorepository among patients at high-risk for cardiovascular disease and among those with different phentoypes of cardiovascular diseases.
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Berger

Antiplatelet Therapy and HIV

This study will (1) investigate the role of different antiplatelet therapies in HIV, and (2) examine the molecular mechanism of how increased platelet activity affects inflammation and immune activity in patients with HIV.
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Berger

Ticagrelor in Methotrexate-Resistant Rheumatoid Arthritis (TIMERA)

This study will investigate platelet activity in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis and assess the impact of ticagrelor on rheumatoid arthritis disease severity.
Principal Investigators: Jeffrey Berger & Bruce Cronstein

Platelets in Bariatric Surgery (SPECIFIc) and A Study on the Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Platelet Characteristics and Function (TwoSPECIFIc)

In collaboration with Dr. Sean Heffron
SPECIFIc was a pilot study of the impact of obesity and weight loss via bariatric surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) on platelet function and gene expression. We used the data from this study to inform the design of Two SPECIFIc, an NHLBI-funded prospective study comparing the effects of two different bariatric surgical procedures on platelet characteristics and function. We are testing the hypothesis that changes in platelet activity and inflammatory gene expression that occur following bariatric surgery are mediated by altered HDL function that also occurs.

Arsenic, Disordered Glucose Homeostasis, and Atherosclerosis (EMERALD-D)

In collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Newman
This cross-sectional study investigates the cardiovascular impact of exposure to environmental pollution and tests the hypothesis that chronic high blood sugar exacerbates pollution’s effects on platelet and vascular function. This study will contribute to the growing understanding of environmental exposures as modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, especially among diabetic patients.

Vascular Effects of Ambient Exposure to Vehicular Air Polution (VAPOR)

In collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Newman
This pilot study investigated the cardiovascular effects of exposure to vehicular air pollution. Blood and ultrasound measures of cardiovascular health were compared within subjects (before and after exposure to air pollution) and between subjects. We examined the vascular impacts of exercise and pollution exposure and will inform future studies on what individual factors moderate these effects.

The Investigation of Vascular Health and Platelet Reactivity in Patients with Psoriasis

In collaboration with Dr. Michael Garshick
Psoriasis is and autoinflammatory disease shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms leading to this increased risk are not yet understood and medications to reduce the risk have not been studied. In my study we are investigating vascular health and platelet function and how aspirin and statin therapy may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with psoriasis.