Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Open Positions | NYU Langone Health

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Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Open Positions

Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Open Positions

We currently have open graduate student positions at NYU Langone's Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory. Candidates interested in a potential postdoc position can inquire with Dr. Biyu J. He by sending an email with a cover letter and a CV. For candidates interested in doing a PhD in the lab, please see instructions below under "Prospective Graduate Students".

Prospective Graduate Students

Dr. He takes graduate (prospective PhD) students through the NYU Neuroscience graduate program and the Biomedical Imaging and Technology PhD Training Program at NYU Langone’s Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. Both programs require a centralized admission process. Students interested in conducting PhD thesis work in our lab should apply to one of these programs and list Dr. He as a faculty member you are interested in working with in the application form. Direct inquiry with Dr. He is not needed for application to one of these programs.

Dr. He also takes graduate (prospective PhD) students through the NYU biomedical engineering program. If you are interested in attending this program, please email Dr. He with your CV, a cover letter, and include the biomedical engineering program in email subject line.

General Inquiries

We also welcome rotation students, research volunteers, and medical students, residents, and fellows interested in human brain research. We are especially interested in candidates with a neuroscience background and/or quantitative/programming skills.

If you are interested in joining us, please send a cover letter and CV to