Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Outreach Activities | NYU Langone Health

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Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Outreach Activities

Perception & Brain Dynamics Laboratory Outreach Activities

See how NYU Langone's Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory is making a difference through outreach activities.

June 22, 2024

Dr. He spoke at the "Consciousness: Unlocking the mind" public event organized by NewScientist in New York City.

November 4, 2022

Dr. He spoke to visiting undergraduate students from UPenn about life as an academic researcher.

Dr. He smiling and sitting on chair in front of room of people seated around a U-shaped group of tables

November 11, 2021

Dr. He served as a panelist in an open science webinar on pre-registering research studies hosted by Templeton World Charity Foundation. Watch videos from the event.

August 1, 2019

Ella represents our lab speaking to students from the New York State Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP).

Ella standing and gesturing with her hands, sharing slides on a screen in a dimmed room full students seated at tables

March 12, 2019

Our lab participated in the 7th Annual Brain Day hosted by NOGN and the Neuroscience Institute.

People standing, with their backs turned, at table viewing various printed materials, screens, and a brain model