Hu Lab Members | NYU Langone Health

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Hu Lab Hu Lab Members

Hu Lab Members

The Hu Lab team at NYU Langone has expertise in mobile health interventions, nutrition science and dietetics, social work, counseling psychology, health care ethics, and more. Its members are committed to developing culturally and linguistically tailored health interventions for underserved communities.


Lu Hu, PhD

Dr. Hu is an assistant professor in the department of Population Health at NYU Langone.  Her research focuses on developing and testing mobile health interventions to improve access to care, support chronic disease management, and reduce health disparities in underserved communities. She is the principal investigator of a National Institutes of Health award examining the potential efficacy of a culturally and linguistically tailored mobile health intervention to improve diabetes self-management and reduce health disparities in Chinese Americans who have type 2 diabetes. She is also leading another pilot study to examine the feasibility of a family-based mobile health intervention in Chinese Americans with type 2 diabetes.


Shuwen Yang, MS

Project Assistant
Shuwen oversees Dr. Hu’s research team and aids in managing all research projects. She has profound experience working in the nonprofit world and is particularly interested in supporting low-income families and racial minority communities. Shuwen received her MSW, specializing in international social welfare, from the Columbia University School of Social Work.


Lei Lei, MA

Research Project Manager
Lei aids in all research operations including Institutional Review Board coordination, recruitment, data management, compliance, and training. She has an MA in counseling psychology and extensive experience working with immigrant, minority, veteran, and cancer patient populations, as well as patients who have limited English proficiency. Lei is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese.


Baolun Fan

Research Intern
Baolun Fan is a third-year graduate student in the clinical nutrition program at New York University, where he also trains in the dietetic internship. Prior to beginning his master's program, Baolun earned his BS in statistics with a minor in exercise science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Baolun has volunteered at Lenox Hill Hospital to help manage patients' diet and nutritional status. His research interests include understanding how diet can prevent and improve chronic conditions and diseases.


Nancy Xu

Research Intern
Nancy earned her BS in nutrition and dietetics at NYU Steinhardt and is attending the  graduate nutrition program at Teachers College, Columbia University, this fall to pursue an integrated MS-RDN. Her research interests include the role that culture, media, and education play when people make food choices, and how to improve nutrition for elderly and pregnant populations. Apart from academic life, she is also a nutrition blogger in Chinese media and an amateur dancer.


Han Bao, MD, MS

Research Intern
Dr. Han Bao obtained her MD from Nanjing Medical University, China, in 2012 and her MS in health care ethics at Saint Joseph’s University in 2014. She works for multiple medical groups in the New York area and serves as a board member for the Association of Chinese American Physicians.


Ivon Hong

Research Intern
Ivon is currently a medical assistant and receptionist at an internal medicine clinic. She received her BA in biology from the Thomas Hunter Honors Program at Hunter College of the City University of New York. Her research interests include expanding multidisciplinary, integrated health systems to improve the health and quality of care for patients and developing culturally informed treatments for ethnic minority populations.