Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees | NYU Langone Health

Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees

Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees

NYU Langone’s Preclinical Imaging Laboratory charges researchers to use its instruments in order to offset operational costs. We calculate fees annually using a direct operating cost methodology. The formula takes into account operating costs of the service and consumable supplies, material labor (salary, and fringe), and other related costs, such as service contracts.

Available hours are based on the assumption that there are 250 business days in a year, with 2,500 hours available for operation, of which 500 hours are devoted to daily performance checks and monthly maintenance, leaving 2,000 billable hours for direct instrument time.

Fees are calculated in part on a comparison of market pricing, noting fees charged at similar institutions for the same services. Capital depreciation is not included. Fees are subject to change.

Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees for NYU Langone Users

Instrument Hourly Fee Minimum Unit Time (minutes) Assisted Scan Hourly Fee Initiation and Training
Optical Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging (BLI) $129 15 $183 $183
High Frequency Ultrasound (HFU) $134 30 $188 $188
Micromagnetic Resonance Imaging (μMRI): Prime time (7:00AM to 8:00PM) $134 30 $188 $188
μMRI: Specimen overnight
(8:00PM to 7:00AM)
$268 overnight
(flat fee)
$322 $188
Micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) $134 30 $188 $188
Micro-Positron Emission Tomography (μPET) $134 30 $188 $188
Consulting and postprocessing fee for established protocols $54 30 n/a n/a
Consultation for experimental data design, data analysis, and grant proposal Contact Youssef Zaim Wadghiri, PhD, director, at
Animal Tech Services Contact the Division of Comparative Medicine
(Kerberos login required)
Contrast agents and tracers Market Price
FDG 10mCi $150

Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees for External Nonprofit Users

Instrument Hourly Fee Minimum Unit Time (minutes) Assisted Scan Hourly Fee Initiation and Training
Optical Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging (BLI) $219 30 $311 $311
High-Frequency Ultrasound (HFU) $228 60 $320 $320
Micro-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (μMRI): Prime time
(7:00AM to 8:00PM)
$228 60 $320 $320
Micromagnetic Resonance Imaging (μMRI): Specimen overnight
(8:00PM to 7:00AM)
$456 overnight
(flat fee)
$548 $320
Micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) $228 60 $320 $320
Micro-Positron Emission Tomography (μPET) $228 60 $320 $320
Consulting and postprocessing fee for established protocols $92 30 n/a n/a

Preclinical Imaging Laboratory Fees for External For-Profit Users

Instrument Hourly Fee Minimum Unit Time (minutes) Assisted Scan Hourly Fee Initiation and Training
Optical Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging (BLI) $452 30 $641 $641
High-Frequency Ultrasound (HFU) $469 60 $658 $658
Micromagnetic Resonance Imaging (μMRI): Prime time
(7:00AM to 8:00PM)
$469 60 $658 $658
Micro-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (μMRI): Specimen overnight
(8:00PM to 7:00AM)
$938 overnight
(flat fee)
$1,127 $658
Micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) $469 60 $658 $658
Micropositron Emission Tomography (μPET) $469 60 $658 $658
Consulting and postprocessing fee for established protocols $189 30 n/a n/a