Small Instrument Fleet Technologies  | NYU Langone Health

Small Instrument Fleet Small Instrument Fleet Technologies 

Small Instrument Fleet Technologies 

NYU Langone’s Small Instrument Fleet offers the following technologies.

StepOne Real-Time PCR System 

The Applied Biosystems StepOne Real-Time PCR System is a 96-well polymerase chain reaction instrument that uses LED three-color optical recording to produce quantitative results. Intuitive data analysis software and advanced instrumentation allow our researchers to pursue genomic projects. Learn more about the Applied Biosystems StepOne Real-Time PCR System.     

Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System

The Bio-Rad CFX96 and CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection Systems are six-channel systems featuring advanced optical technology with thermal control. Both deliver dependable data collection and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis. Learn more information about the Bio-Rad CFX96 and CFX384 Touch.

QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System

The Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System is designed for users who need an easy-to-use, real-time PCR system that doesn't compromise performance and quality. The simplified design and analysis software is ideal for users. Using proven OptiFlex technology (featuring four coupled channels and white LED) and featuring three independent Veriflex temperature zones, the QuantStudio 3 system enables improved data accuracy and sensitivity for a broad range of genomic applications.   

ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager

The ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager utilizes a touch screen for users to adjust the brightfield, three fluorescence channels, and an integrated digital camera. It is a completely digital imaging system, so users may view samples; capture, store, and export images; and use the multicolor settings to create overlays.

ChemiDoc Imaging System

The ChemiDoc Imaging System provides fast, reliable, and sensitive imaging and documentation of gels and chemiluminescence Western blots. This system is compatible with stain-free technology, chemiluminescence detection, and a wide range of gel stains such as ethidium bromide, SYPRO Ruby, Coomassie, and silver stains.

ChemiDoc MP Imaging System

The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System provides fast, reliable, and sensitive imaging and documentation of gels and chemiluminescence Western blots. This system is compatible with stain-free technology, chemiluminescence detection, multiplexing of fluorescence, and a wide range of gel stains such as ethidium bromide, SYPRO Ruby, Coomassie, and silver stains.

Typhoon FLA 9500 Phosphoimaging System

The Typhoon FLA 9500 Phosphoimaging System is a variable mode laser scanner with modular access to the optical components, providing both versatile and flexible imaging for precise quantitation of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.

Odyssey Fc Imaging System

The Odyssey Fc Imaging System, made by LI-COR, uses two channel near-infrared fluorescence to produce accurate digital images of DNA gels and Western blots. Researchers can simplify chemiluminescent imaging with limited instrument adjustments or multiple exposures. Image Studio software provides rapid analysis. 

Odyssey Infrared Imaging System

The LI-COR Odyssey Infrared Imaging System uses near-infrared fluorescence to provide a wide linear dynamic range and better sensitivity than chemiluminescence. The system can provide Western blot analysis, DNA gels, protein arrays, and many other applications.

Odyssey CLx Imaging System

The Odyssey CLx Imaging System's direct near-infrared fluorescence gives users high-quality images without the subjectivity or hassles of multiple film exposures. The data is already in a digital format, so users can analyze them immediately. One digital file contains all image data. Record-keeping is easy and multiple exposures are unnecessary. To image and analyze many samples efficiently, use the CLx to scan up to 9 mini-blots, 6 microplates, or 30 slides at the same time.

Odyssey XF Imaging System

The Odyssey XF System is the only imaging system that offers superior chemiluminescent detection and the benefits of quantitative infrared Western blot detection as well as the ability to document DNA gels using the 600 nm channel. The Odyssey XF System allows users to combine the infrared fluorescence detection with simple, streamlined qualitative chemiluminescence detection on one instrument.

FlexStation 3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader

The FlexStation 3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader, made by Molecular Devices, is a benchtop device with numerous biochemical- and cell-based applications. The instrument can be used for fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarization, time-resolved fluorescence, and luminescence assays. It uses SoftMax Pro 7 Data Acquisition and Analysis Software.

Synergy H1 Hybrid Multimode Microplate Reader

The Synergy H1 is a configurable multimode microplate reader. BioTek’s patent Hybrid Technology offers high-performance and applications versatility in a modular. Top and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance, and luminescence detection are available to meet many life science research requirements. 

Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Microplate Reader

The Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Microplate Reader is designed for screening with speed and ultra-high performance. Variable bandwidth quad monochromators, sensitive high transmission filter-based optics, laser TRF and up to 4 PMTs provide ultra-fast measurements with excellent results. Synergy Neo2 features BioTek’s patented Hybrid Technology, with its independent optical paths that ensure uncompromised performance in all detection modes. Advanced environmental controls and direct bottom illumination support live cell assays.

NanoDrop 8000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

The NanoDrop 8000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, made by Thermo Fisher Scientific, enables researchers to measure up to 8 microvolume protein and nucleic acid samples simultaneously and to evaluate the purity of samples as small as 1 μl. The NanoDrop 8000 comes with intuitive software for data analysis. 

NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer

The NanoDrop 1000 is a full-spectrum spectrophotometer (UV-Vis, 220-750nm) that allows for measurement of the absorbance of DNA, RNA, purified protein, and dyes.  A measurement only takes 10 seconds for a sample as small as 1 μl, and measures the concentration and purity with accuracy and reproducibility.

NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

The Thermo Scientific Nanodrop One Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer provides a quick and accurate method of understanding sample quality with quantitative measurements. It utilizes sample intelligence technology to identify contaminants, quantify and qualify DNA, RNA, and protein samples, using only 1-2 µL for a reading.

Tri-Carb 4910TR Liquid Scintillation Counter

The Tri-Carb 4910TR Liquid Scintillation Counter is a computer-controlled bench top liquid scintillation counter for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity.

Beta Counter MicroBeta2 System

The MicroBeta2 System provides advanced radiometric and luminescent detection abilities for GPCRs, kinases, reporter gene assays, and traditional liquid scintillation counting. Providing coincidence counting, a unique patented configuration with two photomultiplier tubes that simultaneously detect signal, the Microbeta2 System ensures high efficiency and extremely low background for a variety of radionuclides.

WIZARD Automatic Gamma Counter

The next generation WIZARD automatic gamma counter, Wizard2 is designed for superior counting performance with all types of samples and for every gamma counting application. Chromium release studies and nuclear medicine applications, such as PET research, are some examples of possible gamma applications for Wizard2 instruments.

CellRad X-Ray Irradiator

The CellRad X-Ray Irradiator by Faxitron is a dedicated cabinet X-ray cell irradiator. The CellRad System allows users to irradiate cells without compromising sterility or security and also serves as a smaller alternative to gamma radioisotope and high-powered X-ray irradiators.

X-RAD 320 X-Ray Irradiator

The X-RAD 320 X-Ray Irradiator by Precision X-Ray is a self-contained X-ray system that delivers a precise radiation dosage to specimens in a biological or small animal research laboratory.

MultiRad 350 X-Ray Irradiator

The MultiRad 350 X-Ray Irradiator by Faxitron is a compact, fully-integrated X-ray irradiation system that is a smaller, simpler, and safer alternative to radioisotope irradiators.

SARRP Irradiator

Xstrahl's SARRP (small animal radiation research platform) irradiator delivers targeted radiation to animal models with the equivalency of clinical radiotherapy. The instrument uses an on-board high-resolution cone beam-CT imaging and 3D bioluminescent tomographic imaging. It can target micro beams down to 0.5 mm of radiation with an accuracy of 200um.

X-Ray Film Developer

The Small Instrument Fleet offers dark rooms equipped with developers for the X-ray film processing. The film processor is designed to automate all steps: developing, rinsing, fixing, and washing and drying of the exposed film.

Biorupter Sonication System

The Bioruptor, made by Diagenode, is a sonication system that uniformly processes multiple samples in sealed tubes to avoid cross-contamination. This equipment is used for shearing chromatin or DNA, cell lysis, and other applications.