Sigurdsson Lab Former Members
Many former members of the Sigurdsson Lab move on to competitive roles in academia and industry.
Faculty, Scientists, Postdoctoral Fellows, Associates, and Technicians
Grace Tang, BS
Andie Dodge, PhD
Isabella Marchal, BS
Leslie A. Sandusky-Beltran, Ph.D.
Ashley Vincenty-Acosta, BS
Swananda Modak, PhD
Qian Wu, PhD
Senthilkumar Krishnaswamy, PhD
Hameetha Sait, MS
Wajitha Sait, MS
Suhail Rasool, PhD
Marien Solesio, PhD
Jiaping Gu, PhD
Veronica Gonzalez, BS
Pavan Krishnamurthy, PhD
Benjamin Little, BS
Allal Boutajangout, PhD
Anne Bertrand, MD
Ricardo Osario, MD
Troels Jensen, MS
Ayodeji Asuni, PhD
Elin Knudsen, MS
Fernando Goni, PhD
Daniel Sage, MD
Motoko Watanabe, BS
PhD Students
Dov B. Shamir, PhD
Jessica Chukwu, PhD
BS and MS Students
Johanna Ingadottir, MS
Thorir Sigmundsson, MD
Yue Ma, MS
Rotating NYU Graduate Students
Krysti Todd
Sarah Cantor
Nicolette Cocco
Cassidy Reich
Devyani Ujla
Megan Gautier
There have also been numerous undergraduates and high school students who have worked our lab and have moved on to earn advanced degrees.