Request Research Resources from the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Researchers interested in accessing NYU Langone’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center resources can view our inventory and request data or biospecimens online.
To request data and other resources, click “Request Data” on the online inventory page, or use our Resource Utilization Request/Agreement Form and enter your contact information (name, institution, phone number, email, and contact person), as well as your project information (project title, Institutional Review Board approval number, IRB approval date, principal investigator, and co-investigators). Please also include information about your study protocol and other relevant documents:
- The study protocol should include specific aims, background and significance, methods or procedure, and analyses of results.
- List the resources you’re requesting, such as subject lists, data variables, number of subjects and their characteristics, tissue sample types, etc. These details must be precisely specified either in the study protocol or in a separate cover letter.
- Investigators previously unknown to our center may be asked to include their CV.
Investigators requesting resources must agree to all conditions specified in the resource allocation agreement, including the following:
- Resources must be used only for the specific aims of the submitted study protocol, and only by investigators included in the initial request. Other investigators must receive separate Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center approval.
- Any manuscripts or conference abstracts resulting from the use of resources must be submitted to us for review and comment before submission.
- NYU Langone’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center must be acknowledged as the provider of the resources in all resulting publications.
Requests are reviewed by relevant core leaders, project directors, or our director, and in some cases by the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center executive committee. Approval by the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center director and core leaders or project directors responsible for the resources is required before access to resources is granted. This approval must be documented on the project’s Resource Utilization Request/Agreement Form.
If reviewers cannot reach a consensus regarding a resource request, the application is presented to our executive committee. Applicants may present additional supporting information for consideration of the committee. A final decision is determined by a majority vote of the full executive committee.
For studies involving human subjects that require IRB approval, resources may not be allocated until the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center receives a copy of the IRB approval. IRB approval may not be obtained after the allocation decision.