Division of Rheumatology Faculty | NYU Langone Health

Division of Rheumatology Faculty

Our faculty members are leaders in rheumatology academia, research, and clinical care.

At more than 100 members, the faculty of physicians and scientists at NYU Langone’s Division of Rheumatology is one of the largest anywhere in academic rheumatology and includes superb private practitioners, full-time clinical staff, clinical researchers, and bench scientists.

All of our faculty members have strong local reputations, and many are nationally and internationally renowned. Their research interests range from lupus to rheumatoid and osteoarthritis to pure cell biology and pharmacology. This breadth is especially useful for the intellectual growth to our trainees, who have the opportunity to learn from professionals with great enthusiasm for a wide range of rheumatologic issues.

Faculty at NYU Grossman School of Medicine work hand-in-hand with our clinical partners and colleagues in the Division of Rheumatology and Allergy at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine.