Section for Health Equity Community Engagement & Education
In addition to our many research efforts, NYU Langone’s Section for Health Equity forms relationships with community organizations and participates in several community engagement and education efforts to advance the health of Asian Americans and other minority populations in New York City.
Asian Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities are typically underserved by the healthcare system, creating significant disparities in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other medical conditions. Moreover, lack of research data on these specific populations creates barriers to the development of effective, culturally relevant health interventions and programs.
Under the leadership of our section faculty and committed staff who have strong links to the communities we serve, Section for Health Equity researchers have formed partnerships and coalitions with several not-for-profit community organizations whose members provide valuable input into our public health program development. These collaborations ultimately help to advance the care of minority populations, as demonstrated through our service projects.