Parnia Lab Scientific Presentations
Members of NYU Langone’s Critical Care and Resuscitation Research program frequently give talks to highlight new and ongoing research.
Throughout the academic year, we host weekly lectures, lead grand rounds, and present our latest research at scientific conferences.
Scientific Conferences
October 6, 2018
CHEST Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
“The Utility of End Tidal CO2 (ETCO2) Monitoring During In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest to Predict Return of Spontaneous Circulation”
Rosman M, Qi S, O’Neill C, Mengotto A, Patel J, Parnia S
Septembar 22, 2018
European Resuscitation Council Annual Meeting, Bologna, Italy
“Conscious Awareness, Mental and Cognitive Experiences During Cardiac Arrest”
Parnia S
February 18, 2019
Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Diego, California
"Determinants of Cerebral Oxygenation During Cardiac Arrest"
Roellke E, Williams T, Konys, C, Lam, J, Parnia S
“Association of Cerebral Resuscitation and Psychological Outcomes Following Cardiac Arrest”
Williams T, Konys, C, Roellke, E, Parnia S
Grand Rounds
November 21, 2018
“Post-Cardiac Arrest Care and Neuroprognostication after Cardiac Arrest”
NYU Langone’s Department of Emergency Medicine
Sam Parnia, MD, PhD
November 26, 2018
“What is New in Cardiac Arrest and Post-Cardiac Arrest Care”
NewYork–Presbyterian Queens
Sam Parnia, MD, PhD
May 8, 2019
“Reversing Death and Exploring What Happens When We Die”
NYU Langone’s Department of Medicine
Sam Parnia, MD, PhD
Critical Care and Resuscitation Research Lecture Series
October 16, 2018
“Past, Present and Future of Cardiac Arrest”
Sam Parnia, MD, PhD
October 30, 2018
“Methods for Augmenting Resuscitation Beyond CPR: An Overview”
Vineet Reddy, MD
November 27, 2018
“Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: Mechanisms of Ischemia Reperfusion Injury”
Jason Lam, MD
December 11, 2018
“Targeting the ‘Right’ Temperature: The Role of Hypothermia in Post-Cardiac Arrest Care”
Vineet Reddy, MD
January 8, 2019
“Putting all The Evidence Together: Brain-Oriented Post-Resuscitation Care”
Vineet Reddy, MD
January 22, 2019
“Pathophysiology and Evidence based Insights into Targeted Temperature Management for Emergency Medicine and Critical Care”
Benjamin Abella, MD, MPhil
University of Pennsylvania
February 19, 2019
“Methods to Augment Oxygen Delivery during Cardiac Arrest: Role of Different Vasopressors and Inotropes”
Vineet Reddy, MD
March 5, 2019
“Developing Neuroprotective Strategies for Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome”
Jason Lam, MD
March 19, 2019
“Monitoring the Quality of Circulation during In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Using End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide: What Have We Learned So Far?”
Michael Rosman, MD
April 2, 2019
“Approaches to Monitoring the Pathophysiological Changes in the Brain During the Post-Cardiac Arrest Period in the ICU”
Jason Lam, MD
April 16, 2019
“The Utility of Ultrasound during Cardiac Arrest: What Do We Know So Far?”
Allison Greco, MD
April 30, 2019
“Targeting Inflammation: A New Therapeutic Strategy in Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome?”
Jason Lam, MD
May 14, 2019
"What Happens When We Die: Conscious Awareness, Mental and Cognitive Experiences During Cardiac Arrest"
Sam Parnia, MD, PhD