Cerebral Oxygen Monitoring: Electroencephalography & Cerebral Oximetry | NYU Langone Health

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Monitoring the Effectiveness of Brain Resuscitation in Real Time Cerebral Oxygen Monitoring: Electroencephalography & Cerebral Oximetry

Cerebral Oxygen Monitoring: Electroencephalography & Cerebral Oximetry

We are the first research team in the world to investigate the potential benefits of using both cerebral oximetry and electroencephalography (EEG) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to provide more robust information about the magnitude of ischemia in the brain. While brain oximetry measures the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, EEG can inform us as to whether oxygen that has been delivered to the brain of individual patients has enabled the brain to function again. In a cohort of 16 patients, we demonstrated that combining these monitoring techniques to more precisely measure resuscitation quality is feasible.

Patient Wearing Cerebral Oximetry and Electroencephalography Sensors on Forehead
A combination of cerebral oximetry and electroencephalography (EEG) sensors placed on the forehead.

Moreover, we propose that using cerebral oximetry and EEG together may assist physicians in determining optimal care for each individual. For example, real-time EEG data may enable refined decision-making by providing guidance regarding the oxygen levels needed to bring back a patient with a minimum of brain damage. Whereas 60 percent may be the ideal average, by monitoring changes in brain activity as compared to cerebral oxygenation, physicians can determine if more or less oxygen is needed depending on how long the patient has been without circulation. This is particularly important since every patient is different.

Researchers Conduct Brain Monitoring Experiments in Lab
Researchers experimenting with brain monitoring in the lab.

Learn more about our study combining EEG and cerebral oximetry. Opens in a new tab. Opens in a new tab.