Population Health PhD Training Program | NYU Langone Health

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PhD Training Programs Population Health PhD Training Program

Population Health PhD Training Program

The Population Health PhD Training Program at NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences offers interdisciplinary instruction and research opportunities addressing the burden and multilevel determinants of health and health disparities in defined populations. Graduates are prepared for careers in population health research.

Our program has research strengths in healthcare delivery science, health disparities, epidemiologic methods, comparative effectiveness and decision science, implementation science, behavior change theory and practice, medical ethics, and health informatics. Students can participate in a wide range of ongoing municipal, national, and international studies focused on diverse facets of cardiovascular disease, opioid use and other substance use disorders, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, obesity, cancer, sleep health, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and HIV, as well as studies focused on documenting the role of social determinants of health ranging from economic disadvantage, racism and other forms of discrimination, and structural drivers of disparity such as incarceration.

As a PhD candidate, you have the opportunity to work with faculty on a diverse set of biomedical and social science collaborations. Successful applicants to our program have completed previous training in population health, public health, informatics sciences, and comparative effectiveness. Applicants with a master’s degree in a relevant field and with research experience are preferred, but all applicants with appropriate training are considered.


In addition to courses taken by all PhD candidates at Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, students in the Population Health PhD program enroll in the following courses:

Population Health Theory
Health Disparities and Health Equity
Epidemiologic Methods
Advanced Epidemiologic Methods
Advanced Regression Modelling
Healthcare Delivery Science
Introduction to Dissemination and Implementation Research
Economic Evaluation in Health and Medicine
Medical Ethics
Population Health Seminar

Learn more about our program academics.

Contact Us

For more information, email Robby Zehra, graduate program manager, at robert.zehra@nyulangone.org. You can also contact Maria R. Khan, PhD, MPH, program director, at maria.khan@nyulangone.org, and Sahnah Lim, PhD, MPH, graduate advisor, at sahnah.lim@nyulangone.org.

For more information about graduate programs at Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, email vilcek-info@nyulangone.org.

PhD Program Admissions

Apply to Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences.

Life as a Graduate Student

Find out what life is like as a graduate student at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

PhD Program Academics

Get in-depth information about our program academics.