Healthcare Delivery System Evaluation | NYU Langone Health

Center for Healthcare Innovation & Delivery Science Healthcare Delivery System Evaluation

Healthcare Delivery System Evaluation

The Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science (CHIDS) conducts rigorous evaluations to help NYU Langone determine whether existing interventions are effective and to identify areas of opportunity for improvement. For instance, we worked with the health system to evaluate a comprehensive program to increase the value of healthcare that included 74 distinct projects over 3 years. We found that adjusted variable costs declined 7.7 percent over the 3-year intervention period, with a decrease in length of stay and no changes in readmission or mortality, overall saving the institution approximately $54 million.

Our comprehensive efforts have focused on several mission-critical projects:

  • evaluation of an institution-wide, value-based care program
  • appraisal of the bundled payment for care initiative
  • evaluation of the impact of hospital acquisition on outcomes at NYU Langone Hospital—Brooklyn
  • evaluation of several care management programs
  • analysis of the environmental and cost impact of surgical procedures

Selected Healthcare Delivery System Evaluation Publications

Chatfield SC … Horwitz LI. Bending the cost curve: Time series analysis of a value transformation programme at an academic medical centre. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019. DOI.

Saag HS … Horwitz LI. Pajama time: working after work in the electronic health record. J Gen Intern Med. 2019. DOI.

Tauber J … Thiel CL. Quantification of the cost and potential environmental effects of unused pharmaceutical products in cataract surgery. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019. DOI.

Thiel C and Horwitz LI. Improving value in health care through comprehensive supply optimization. JAMA. 2019. DOI.

Gold HT … Cantor MN. Implementation and early adaptation of patient-reported outcome measures into an electronic health record: A technical report. Health Informatics J. 2018. DOI.

Lulejian A and Cantor MN. Measuring patient and staff satisfaction before and after implementation of a paperless registration system. J Healthc Manag. 2018. DOI.

Saag HS … Cocks PM. Warm handoffs: A novel strategy to improve end-of-rotation care transitions. J Gen Intern Med. 2018. DOI.

Jubelt LE … Horwitz LI. Early lessons on bundled payment at an academic medical center. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2017. DOI.

Saag HS … Volpicelli FM. Reducing liberal red blood cell transfusions at an academic medical center. Transfusion. 2017. DOI.

Jubelt LE … Horwitz LI. Changes in discharge location and readmission rates under Medicare bundled payment. JAMA Intern Med. 2016. DOI.

Blecker S … Gourevitch MN. Impact of an intervention to improve weekend hospital care at an academic medical center: An observational study. J Gen Intern Med. 2015. DOI.