DIMOND Program
Established in 2000, the NYU Department of Internal Medicine Organization for Nurturing Diversity (DIMOND) Program, directed by Renee L. Williams, MD, MHPE, promotes diversity among faculty and residents while facilitating their personal and professional growth. The program was created by faculty and house staff to enrich the cultural and academic atmosphere at NYU Langone and NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
Working in a diverse environment benefits our residents by building social awareness and the skills needed to provide culturally competent care for an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse patient population.
The DIMOND Program promotes cultural diversity within the Department of Medicine, actively recruits minority faculty and house staff, encourages continued faculty development and mentorship, and works with other local and national organizations to address multicultural and minority health issues.
DIMOND Executive Committee
The DIMOND executive committee guides us in cultivating a climate that supports faculty and house staff who are proficient in providing culturally competent educational experiences and patient care.
Steven Abramson, MD
Executive Vice President and Vice Dean for Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer
Chair, Department of Medicine
Fritz Francois, MD
Executive Vice President and Vice Dean, Chief of Hospital Operations
DIMOND Leadership Committee
The DIMOND leadership committee includes senior and junior residents and faculty mentors in the Department of Medicine. The committee recruits and mentors DIMOND residents and works with the executive committee to organize professional and personal development programs and DIMOND events.
Senior members of the leadership committee include the following.
Lynn Buckvar-Keltz, MD
Associate Chair for Professional Development, Department of Medicine
Patrick M. Cocks, MD
Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Department of Medicine
Joseph E. Ravenell, MD
Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
David T. Stern, MD, PhD
Vice Chair for Education and Faculty Affairs, Department of Medicine
Contact Us
For more information about the DIMOND Program, contact Dr. Williams at renee.williams@nyulangone.org.