Gastroenterology & Hepatology Academic Conferences
NYU Langone’s Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the Department of Medicine provides trainees and faculty with opportunities to increase the breadth and depth of their knowledge.
In addition to the educational activities shown here, please also see our continuing medical education courses.
For Faculty and Fellows
The following grand rounds, conferences, and journal club meetings are open to our faculty and fellows.
Gastroenterology Grand Rounds
Gastroenterology Grand Rounds occur every Tuesday from 7:30AM to 8:30AM at NYU Langone’s Tisch Hospital. Visiting and local faculty members give most presentations, and each of our division senior fellows prepares one talk per year. Fellows may present on a clinical topic, basic science topic, or on the results of their research projects at the end of the academic year.
Pancreas Conference
On the second Tuesday of each month, gastroenterology faculty and fellows attend the multidisciplinary pancreaticobiliary conference with colleagues from surgery, radiology, oncology, and pathology to discuss the diagnosis and management of pancreaticobiliary disease in a case-based format.
Medicine Grand Rounds
Medicine Grand Rounds, hosted by the Department of Medicine, take place each Wednesday from 7:45AM to 8:45AM at Tisch Hospital. The lectures, presented by physicians from NYU Langone and other institutions, cover all areas of internal medicine. We encourage all gastroenterology and hepatology faculty and fellows to attend.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination Sessions
Our division offers objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) sessions for fellows and faculty at the New York Simulation Center for the Health Sciences (NYSIM), a partnership of The City University of New York and NYU Langone. Simulation-based sessions focus not only on clinical knowledge in numerous areas—including colon cancer screening, inflammatory bowel disease, and liver disease—but also on optimizing professionalism, communication, and patient-centered care.
More than 20 clinical scenarios, including breaking bad news to patients and caregivers, utilizing shared decision making, advising patients about procedure complications, and demonstrating cultural sensitivity, are included. OSCE sessions for fellows are supervised by faculty, while faculty OSCEs are taped and utilized for self-assessment by each individual participant.
NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s OSCE toolkit for fellowship training, Utilizing OSCEs to Teach and Evaluate Fellows’ Performance: A Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Director’s Toolkit, is available to fellowship program directors nationwide on the American College of Gastroenterology training website.
For Fellows
The events below are offered for our gastroenterology and hepatology fellows.
Core Curriculum Conference
The Core Curriculum Conference takes place every Friday from 1:30PM to 2:30PM at the Manhattan campus of the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System. Beginning July 1, 2019, the Core Curriculum Conference will move to the Fellows Conference Room at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue. Over a three-year repeating period, gastroenterology fellows and attending physicians discuss the core components of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition, while touching on the elements of physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of gastrointestinal and liver disorders.
Endoscopy Rounds
Endoscopy Rounds take place from 8:00AM to 8:30AM on Mondays and Thursdays and from 9:00AM to 9:30AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and from 8:00 to 8:30AM on Fridays at the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System’s Manhattan campus and NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue. During rounds, gastroenterology fellows and faculty review all of the previous day’s endoscopic procedures and discuss that day’s procedures, providing fellows with further education on endoscopy-related indications, contraindications, and findings.
Endoscopy Course
The Endoscopy Course, designed for first-year fellows, takes place in July and August. First-year fellows learn about endoscopy lab safety and the principles of infection control, as well as the basics of sedation, obtaining informed consent, and care of equipment. Fellows also get hands-on experience in using endoscopic techniques and a review of endoscopic images and literature.
During this time, senior fellows participate in a course on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) techniques, as well as deep enteroscopy, ablative techniques, manometry, and pH-metry.
Gastroenterology Journal Club
Gastroenterology Journal Club takes place every other Wednesday from 5:00PM to 6:00PM at Bellevue. Attending physicians and fellows discuss the findings of one article from current peer-reviewed literature and undertake a critical review of the study’s designs and methods. The club meeting typically culminates in a discussion of implications for clinical practice.
Key Lecture Series
The Key Lecture Series covers clinical topics that are essential for first-year gastroenterology fellows to learn as soon as possible. Topics commonly include inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, acute pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, esophageal disorders, dyspepsia, liver tests, and gastrointestinal pathology basics.
Gastroenterology Attending Rounds
Fellows meet regularly with an assigned consult attending physician to review the cases of patients seen at Tisch Hospital, Kimmel Pavilion, Bellevue, and the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System’s Manhattan campus. During these meetings, fellows present consultations to the gastroenterology faculty, using these cases to discuss the diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal diseases. Bedside teaching is also an important aspect of this educational experience.
Board Review Conference
Every other Thursday from from 7:00AM to 8:00AM, gastroenterology fellows meet with faculty from the division to discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of gastrointestinal disorders. This primarily involves review of board-type questions in an interactive fashion encompassing all areas of the core curriculum.
Additional Conferences
The experience at each hospital includes site-specific conferences, such as the Liver Pathology Conference and Liver Transplant Recipient Conference at Tisch Hospital; the Oncology Conference, Cytopathology Conference, and Surgery Conference at Bellevue; and the Gastroenterology–Surgery Conference at the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System’s Manhattan campus.