Neuro-Ophthalmology Research | NYU Langone Health

Neurology Divisions & Centers Research Neuro-Ophthalmology Research

Neuro-Ophthalmology Research

Clinician–researchers in the Division of Neuro-Ophthalmology are leaders in the fields of vision and eye movement research, as applied to many neurologic disorders. We focus on understanding how the eye is integrated with the brain, understanding how visual and eye movement disorders clarify how the brain works, and on identifying advancements in treatment of vision and eye movement disorders.

We utilize the latest technology to assess vision and eye movements in our research. For example, advanced eye imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography can help to detect subtle vision involvement in systemic disease. These images are used to assess the rate of disease progression and response to treatment. Our eye movement laboratory uses a state-of-the-art high-resolution camera that records eye movements up to 1,000 times per second. These data can be used to quantify eye movements and aid in differential diagnosis, assessment of treatment responses, and understanding of disease mechanisms.