Neuropsychology Research | NYU Langone Health

Neurology Divisions & Centers Research Neuropsychology Research

Neuropsychology Research

NYU Langone’s Division of Neuropsychology conducts research on a wide variety of neuropsychologic topics to expand our knowledge in the field. Division members conduct independent research and collaborate with investigators across the globe.

We have ongoing studies focused on epilepsy and concussion.

Epilepsy Research

Epilepsy research projects include the following:

  • memory remediation with lumosity
  • rapid (24 hour) forgetting
  • prospective memory

Concussion Research

Concussion research projects include the following:

  • use of the SCAT-5 in non-athletes with concussion
  • validation of novel performance and symptom validity tests

Neuropsychology Clinical Trials

Division clinical trials advance our ability to care for patients with neuropsychologic conditions including depression.

Home-Administered tDCS for Treatment of Depression
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD

A Pilot Study of the Immediate Effects of DLFPC tDCS on Attention Bias in Depression
Principal investigator: Leigh E. Charvet, PhD