Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory Instruments
The Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory at NYU Langone has the latest technology in histopathology, staining, imaging, immunochemistry, and analysis. Many of our instruments are available for researchers to rent by the hour at competitive prices.
In addition, we offer personal consultations and guidance in planning your experiments. Our staff is available from 9:00AM to 5:30PM, Monday through Friday, to answer your questions and help you get set up.
To reserve time on an instrument and schedule training with our staff, investigators must be registered in iLab. Training request forms are available in iLab.
Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory Instruments
Tissue-Processing Instruments
- Leica Peloris II premium tissue processing system (animal tissues)
Slide- and Cassette-Labeling Instruments
- Leica IP S slide labeler
- Leica IP C cassette labeler
Embedding Instruments
- Leica EG1160 embedder (animal tissues); available for rental
Sectioning Instruments
- Leica RM2255 automated rotary microtome; available for rental
- Leica RM2235 manual rotary microtome
- Leica RM2155 automated rotary microtome
- Leica RM2135 manual rotary microtome; available for rental
- Leica CM3050 cryostat; available for rental
- Thermo Scientific Cryostat Microm HM525; available for rental
- Leica VT1200 S automated vibratome; available for rental
Histochemical Staining and Coverslipping Instruments
- Leica ST5020 Autostainer XL with fume hood, equipped with staining racks for manual deparaffinization and staining; available for rental for deparaffinization only
- Leica CV5030 automated coverslipper
Immunohistochemistry Instruments
- Two Leica Bond RX autostainers
Imaging Platforms
• Leica AT2 brightfield whole-slide scanner
• Hamamatsu NanoZoomer whole-slide scanner,
• Akoya Biosciences Phenoimager HT multi-spectral imaging system
Spatial Profiling Platforms
• Akoya Biosciences Phenocycler Fusion (CODEX technology)
• Visium CytAssist (10X, for Visium and Visium HD)
• GeoMx DSP (NanoString)
• Merscope (Vizgen)
• Xenium (10X)
• CosMx (NanoString)
Software, Database Platforms, and Analysis Support
- HALO AI and Visiopharm workstations; available for rental
- OMERO Plus (Glencoe Software) provided in collaboration with MCIT.