Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory | NYU Langone Health

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Scientific Cores & Shared Resources Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory

Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory

NYU Langone’s Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory (RRID:SCR_017928) provides researchers with a range of services, access to advanced instruments, and training to facilitate the production of high-quality animal tissue samples for morphological and molecular analyses. We also provide several modalities of spatial profiling (spatial transcriptomics) and imaging analysis.

To reserve time on an instrument, faculty, staff, and investigators must be registered in iLab. We have also provided iLab login instructions for NYU Langone, NYU, NYU College of Dentistry, and external users.

Requests and Reservations

Request services or reserve instruments using our iLab platform.

Our in-house histopathology services include tissue preparation, processing, and sectioning, as well as histochemistry and immunohistochemistry of fresh, frozen, and fixed animal tissues.

If your research requires immunohistochemistry technologies, we optimize and validate commercial or proprietary antibodies for chromogenic or fluorescence-based immunohistochemistry including seven-color multiplexing.

We offer digital whole-slide scanning of stained tissue sections, which allows researchers to view their slides online at their convenience.

We offer the following spatial profiling of technologies:

  • Whole transcriptome: Visium, GeoMx;
  • Subcellular Resolution: Xenium, CosMx; and
  • High-plex immunostaining: CODEX (Phenocycler-Fusion).

Researchers can also rent our self-service instruments. These include an embedding station, a microtome, a cryostat, and a vibratome. We provide access to brightfield and fluorescence upright and dissecting microscopes, a laser capture microdissection scope, and a new high-throughput multispectral imaging system.

Contact Us

The Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory is located at NYU Langone Health, 550 First Avenue, Medical Science Building, in rooms 370–380, in Manhattan. Our lab is open from 9:00AM to 5:30PM, Monday through Friday.

If you have questions about our services and instruments, please call us at 212-263-3888 or email us at exppath@nyulangone.org

How to Acknowledge the Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory

Please use the RRID in all of your citations when using the core.

If you’ve collaborated with the Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory (RRID:SCR_017928) and utilized our instruments, technologies, expertise, or data and your results are published or presented in a grant application, media release, or any other form of media, please acknowledge us.

Please sign an acknowledgement form, indicating that you have read and understand our policy, and email it to Cynthia Loomis, MD, PhD, director, at cindy.loomis@nyulangone.org.

Acknowledging Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center

The Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory is partially supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016087 at NYU Langone’s Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center. Please acknowledge this grant in all publications resulting from research requiring collaboration with our facility or use of our technologies. Additionally, all such publications are required to abide by National Institutes of Health public access policy and be deposited in PubMed Central.

Acknowledging National Institutes of Health S10 Support

If you have collaborated with our immunohistochemistry staff or the Akoya/PerkinElmer Vectra multispectral imaging system, please acknowledge the Shared Instrumentation Grant S10 OD021747.