Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Services | NYU Langone Health

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Clinical & Translational Science Institute Research Support Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Services

Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Services

The Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design team offers services through NYU Langone’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute to provide efficient study design and novel methodology through consultation, collaboration, and education.

We develop statistical and epidemiological approaches that respond to translational research priorities at NYU Langone Health. This includes assistance with study designs to increase research efficiency and maintain the safety of participants, improve research organization and processes, and provide training for researchers.

To schedule a consultation with the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design team, please complete our online form. Researchers can also access a series of online biostatistics tools that our team has compiled to help with statistical analysis.

Statistical, Epidemiological, and Study Design Consultations

Faculty from the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design team collaborate with researchers to provide statistical, epidemiological, and study design consultations that support translational research at NYU Langone Health and NYC Health + Hospitals.

We provide an initial one-hour consultation at no cost to researchers, including grant application development, data analysis, and assistance with preparing manuscripts.

Grant Application Development Services

Our faculty help researchers develop more competitive grant applications and more effective study designs that produce rigorous and reproducible results. Our consultation services, including statistical analysis plans and power calculations, are typically provided free of charge for grant applications that appropriately budget for support from the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design team.

Requests for consultations for grant applications must be made at least one month before the Sponsored Programs Administration submission deadline.

Data Analysis Services

Our data analysis services are available to all researchers, including medical students and fellows, at NYU Langone Health and NYC Health + Hospitals. We have expertise in standard biostatistical methods, longitudinal data analysis, data visualization, high-throughput data analysis, and analysis of clinical trial, observational cohort, and electric health record data.

To enhance efficiency and productivity, we suggest that research mentors and principal investigators attend data analysis consultations along with other researchers and staff. Please have de-identified data and a data dictionary available at the time of your consultation. If your data analysis needs exceed the free hours of service, we can work with you to arrange for additional time and resources.

Innovative Research Methods Development

We adapt existing research methods and develop new methods to solve unmet research needs. Our ongoing research projects, which are informed by clinical and translational research gaps, focus on developing powerful statistical methods for the design and analysis of high-dimensional “omics” data, new study designs for clinical trials and observational studies, and analysis of electronic health records.

Mentorship and Training

We offer innovative clinical and translational research–themed lecture series in collaboration with the Translational Research Education and Careers team. We offer self-paced, online training through our Introduction to Biostatistics course, which presents fundamental concepts of statistical theory and practice as they are applied in the context of translational and clinical research.

Our faculty provide continuing formal mentorship to translational scientists through National Institutes of Health (NIH) Career Development Awards, also called K Awards. We also offer tailored training and mentorship through consultation and collaboration on research projects.

How to Acknowledge Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Services

The NIH requires investigators who publish translational research to acknowledge the Clinical and Translational Science Institute Awards in all publications and related forms of media if institutional services were used to support or fund their research. Researchers may use the following manuscript citation:

“This research is supported in part by an NYU CTSA grant (include UL1 TR001445, KL2 TR001446, or TL1 TR001447) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.”

If materials developed in consultation with our team are included in a manuscript (e.g., analysis plans, analysis results, figures, tables, etc.), the team member who assisted you should be included in the manuscript author list.

Contact Us

For questions about Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design’s services, please contact Hua (Judy) Zhong, PhD, director, at or call 646-501-3646.