Epilepsy Clinical Elective
Preceptor: Andrew Christiana, MD
Course Code: 05-04
Contact: Suzie Chin, suzie.chin@nyulangone.org or Meredith Marsini, meredith.marsini@nyulangone.org
Phone: 646-501-4842
Prerequisites: Neurology Core Clerkship
Medical students will work with the clinical epilepsy/neurophysiology service at the NYU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Activities will include attendance of video-EEG rounds during which students will be introduced to the basics of electroencephalography interpretation and will review video-EEG recorded seizures with the attending and team; participation in epilepsy monitoring unit walk rounds and discussion of patient clinical care; participation in admitting patients to the epilepsy monitoring unit and presenting cases on rounds; observation of intraoperative mapping of seizure foci; observation of both intraoperative and bedside brain stimulation for the mapping of language and motor function; and observation of intracarotid sodium amytal testing (the Wada test) which is used to determine dominance of language and memory functions. Wada tests, intraoperative procedures, and bedside mapping procedures occur sporadically through the week (Monday through Friday), thus exposure to these procedures will vary. Their observation is encouraged and will be offered as procedures available throughout the week.
Objectives of the Elective
Students will gain knowledge of differing seizure types, their cause and treatment with antiepileptic medication and/or surgery. Students will also learn the basic fundamentals of EEG interpretation.
Key Responsibilities of the student while on Elective
- To attend morning video-EEG review rounds.
- To attend daily walk rounds, which follow video-EEG review rounds.
- To participate in the admission of patients (perform interview and exam) and present newly admitted patients the following morning on rounds. Students should continue to follow patients throughout their admission.
- To attend epilepsy surgery conference held every Tuesday at 3:30 pm at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.
Didactic Program
There will be a series of lectures by attendings and/or fellows on various epilepsy and electrophysiology topics throughout the week. All medical students are encouraged to attend. In addition, students are encouraged to attend weekly conferences held every Wednesday at 8 am at the CEC during this elective rotation.
Method of Evaluation
Evaluation is based on input from house staff, fellow team members, and attendings involved with the student.
Scheduling Information
Months Offered: All Year except July
Report To: KP 17 EEG Reading Room at 9:00am
Students Per Period: up to 2 students February, March and April. Remaining months 1 student.
Duration: Four Weeks
Note: For this elective, visiting student applications will be processed through AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program. The VSLO Application Service (aka VSAS) enables students to browse and apply for this elective.
This elective gives visiting medical students who come from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine the opportunity to explore and experience training at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.