Pathology Introductory Elective | NYU School of Medicine | NYU Langone Health

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Department of Pathology Elective Catalog Pathology Introductory Elective

Pathology Introductory Elective

Preceptor: Kristen M. Thomas, MD

Contact: Remy Moon,, tel: 212-263-1063 or
Giselle Johnson,, tel: 212-263-7852

Prerequisites: None

Who should enroll in this elective?

Students who are considering Pathology as a career
Students who are entering an allied field
Students who are simply interested in this clinical area

Clinical sites

Tisch/Kimmel Hospital and Bellevue Hospital


This is an introductory 2-week elective that seeks to introduce the student to the field of Pathology. The student will gain a deeper understanding of the core principles, foundational knowledge, and essential skills relevant to the specialty through encounters with a diverse range of cases reflective of this specialty. The student has the opportunity to see how the "book knowledge" of pathology is applied to the practice of diagnostic pathology and its key role in clinical decision-making. The student will gain this experience through spending time on the surgical pathology service where the student will be exposed to a large variety of diagnostic surgical and medical specimens, and will learn how to approach specimen evaluation on both the gross and microscopic level, considering clinical history, disease mechanisms, and the implications of diagnoses for patient management.

The student will work closely with the resident and attending physicians in the gross examination and sectioning of specimens, in performing frozen sections, and in microscopic sign out. There are numerous didactic conferences in which the student will participate. In addition to general surgical pathology, the student will be introduced to autopsy pathology. To accommodate students with particular interests, part of the time may be spent in one of the subspecialty areas, including obstetrical/gynecological pathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, neuropathology, bone and soft tissue pathology, pediatric pathology, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary pathology, breast pathology, uropathology, GU pathology, and ENT pathology.

Objectives of the Elective

By the end of this elective, through daily contact with patients and didactics, you will:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of the field of pathology, building on your pre-clerkship and clerkship experiences, through a broad exposure to pathologic diseases
  2. Learn how to approach specimen evaluation on both the gross and microscopic level, taking into account clinical history, disease mechanisms, and the implications of diagnoses for patient management.
  3. Gain "hands-on" experience through graduated levels of responsibility for the sectioning and microscopic evaluation of surgical and medical specimens.
  4. Gain insight into the interdisciplinary nature of this specialty and how our clinicians interact with other medical disciplines to provide comprehensive patient care
  5. Explore the option of pathology as a career choice

Key Responsibilities of the student while on Elective

By enrolling in this introductory elective, you have agreed to:

  1. Participate in at least 35 contact hours of education each week
  2. Provide communication of any excused absences to the Office of Student Affairs (excused absence form) and to the elective coordinator, in a timely fashion
  3. Arrive, in a timely fashion to all locations to which you are assigned
  4. Work closely with residents and attendings, and be an active participant in the care of patients
  5. Participate in one or more autopsies, as they become available
  6. Attend all didactics provided for trainees, as outlined below

Key Responsibilities of the preceptor/residents/faculty while you are on Elective

By accepting your enrollment in this introductory elective, the department has agreed to:

  1. Clearly communicate their expectations of you
  2. Maintain a supportive clinical learning environment
  3. Ensure that you have access to a broad case mix and clinical experience
  4. Provide the education necessary for you to gain an understanding of the patients and pathology reflective of this specialty
  5. Provide feedback on your clinical skills

Didactic program

Resident didactic lectures take place most days from 8-9 am in Smilow 601C.
Other intradepartmental and interdepartmental conferences including consensus conferences, tumor boards, Autopsy conference, grand round, resident grand round, seminars and interesting cases conference are highly variable depending on the week and the subspecialty service. A schedule will be provided to each student at the start of the rotation.

Method of evaluation

Students are evaluated on the basis of their performance and participation in the above-outlined areas. Students will be given feedback on a rolling basis and there will be summation meeting with Dr. Thomas (or designated person) at the end of the two-weeks, at which additional feedback will be given and solicited from the student. Elective credit will be given for only those dates attended. A formal examination is given at the beginning of the rotation and end of the rotation.

Scheduling information

Duration: 2 Weeks
Months Offered: All year
Student point of contact before start of elective: Kristen M. Thomas, MD,
On day 1, students report to: The Anatomic Pathology Suite; Tisch Hospital 4th floor, Room 412
Students per elective block: 2 (2 NYU and 2 visiting)